Friday, December 17, 2004

New solo and stuffs (from Thursday)

I have a new song for Voice class. It's called "Take Me to the World" from Evening Primrose. Gorgeous. Main theme is "with love by my side, the world is new and I'm not afraid". You all know how much of a romantic I am. I want the fairy tale. The knight on a white horse to come rescue me (now would be a great time, oh Sir Whateveryournameis). The white picket fence and 2.5 children. I want the happily ever after. This song is all about that. Love can fix everything. "I'll hold you hand and know I'm not alone." Yea, typical Pisces.

On another note, my german sucks. My pronunciation is all wrong. I sound like a two year old. I understand it but I can't speak it.

Whoa. That was weird. I nearly fainted just now in math. Not voice (where this typically happens). Maybe it was from having the overhead's fan blowing hot air on me. Ick. Salt in my eye from peanuts. Regardless, I'm in a good mood. I actually did my science homework. Speaking of which....

Love always,

P.S. Don't feel too bad about the fainting/salt in eye. I was fine about 10 minutes later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with being a're a girl that knows what she wants.
I took German in elementary's incredibly hard!  I don't remember to count basically.  Maybe you need a more 'romantic' lanuguage ;)  It'll come to you doll, don't sweat it.

Glad you're okay!  Take it easy and watch out for the salt ;)