Entry from Wednesday-
Firstly, I just realized that empty and worried can feel pretty much the same. Secondly, Monday morning guess where I'll be? Huh? Guess? Betcha can't. Okay, I'll tell you. At 9:30 that morning, I will be in court. I have been subpoenaed to testify against my friend's father. Liz's father sexually harassed someone (who shall remain nameless for the moment) and I witnessed it. I'm the one who reported it. For some reason, people think that's a big deal. So I picked up a phone and dialed "911" and got the scumbag in trouble. Big whoop. At first, I was strong about everything then I kinda freaked. I forgot it for months and then I got the subpoena. I felt important and strong for about a minute then I flipped out and now I'm just worried. It happened in the summer so I don't remember all the details. I wrote it in my (handwritten) journal but I don't know if I can use that. If I can, will it be submitted as evidence? Will they use the rest of it to prove I'm not a reliable witness? It has my heart and soul in it. Being tempted, worries, all that in there. Will they use that against me? I'm not the one on trial here, he is. Anybody got any tips for me? How to dress, how to relax before so I don't mess up everything, how to carry myself. Whatever you've got, fire it at me. Just so ya know, my life wasn't always this dramatic and stressful. It was (still is at times) happy and worry free. I was a typical kid without a care in the world. But as Bob Dylan (I think it was Bob Dylan) said, "The times, they are a'changin." I feel like this rests in my hands. Like if I blow my testimony, he'll be free of all charges. Rachel (my friend from Global/English) thinks it would be cool, that I'm lucky. Law and Order:SVU may be one of my infatuations but I wouldn't want to testify. I worry that the opposing attorney will make me cry. When my mom was 12, she was subpoenaed and the attorney kept trying to confuse her. Finally, she's crying and says, "Look. All I know is what happened. Stop picking on me!" The ladies in the jury all went "awww". This whole thing is just stressing me out. Any advice would be very much so appreciated.
Love always,
P.S. Don't stop here. Keep reading the next entries. Two entries from now is more news on this development.
So sorry this had to happen to you. -Krissy
Wow doll, that is very intense. I've been in that spot where I called the cops on someone, I caught hell for it but I wouldn't have changed it, I did what was right.
On going to court...as far as your journal goes, I suggest making a copy of the said entry and present that to the attorney. Dress, you don't need to go all out...blue is supposed to have a calming effect, dark blue like navy is very professional...gray is a neutral color, it presents without bias.
Just take deep breaths and remember that you didn't do anything wrong, you are the bystander.
*A "no" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to aviod trouble.*-Mahatma Gandhi-
You're in my thoughts, take it easy doll~
Wow! It's been awhile since i've been here. I'll have to catch up and read the other entries. However, i will tell you to try and not worry. You (and your friend) will be in my thoughts and prayers. Just be honest, tell them exactly what you saw and avoid eye contact with the defendant, except when you identify him. Look him straight in the eye then. If you don't know the answer to a question, just say you don't know. If you tell them about your hand written journal, they may be able to use it later. I'm not sure about that.
Sending you good vibes and many blessings,
Am reading backwards, so I already know that this has been cancelled for now!!
What I would suggest if you do eventually have to go to court and testify though, would be to wear your smartest outfit. It's kind of like armour, if you dress smart, you feel more confident. Stand up straight, you did nothing wrong and don't let them make you feel you did.
I would copy out that page from your written journal, and not even offer the rest of the journal to them. That is no one's business.
Sara x
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