Thursday, March 10, 2005

Oh, no. They didn't.

Feeling: sad and acrimonious

My baby is buried in my grandmother's backyard. I do NOT want her there. I do not want her buried there. Heck, I want her cremated. How dare they decide where her body will spend eternity without MY input? She's MY baby, not theirs. She's always been my baby kitty. I want her cremated but I don't know where I want her ashes. I can't have them in my room because I'll cry everytime I look at them and I can't have that. I won't have them at my grandmother's because she's my kitty. I don't know where I'd put her ashes but I do not want her buried in BG's backyard. I do not want her in a cemetary because I will never visit it. At times like this, part of me wants to live in my old town and have her buried next to Duchess in the "back forty". Rainbow Bridge can't come soon enough. Oh, and today is my mom's birthday. But I doubt it'll be remembered for that now. It'll probably always be the day I found out about Smokey. I can't believe they didn't ask me.



Anonymous said...

i dont blame u   smokey is urs  and i hope they decide to help u grieve ur way. it isonly right as his mom.
gbu i am so sorry they didnt ask u
i am praying
in respect and friendship

Anonymous said...

Memories sometimes get all bundled together and horrible events piggy-back on more joyful ones. My wife, on the other hand, lost her one and only dog the same day her dear beloved grandmother died. It was a dark time. You should have been consulted if Smokey was truly considered your cat. Parents can be thoughtless sometimes.... even as they they try to be thoughtFUL and considerate. Doing the right thing can too often turn out to be doing the wrong thing as parents bumble along trying to "fix" the word and ease the pain for loved ones.

Death is such a tough stage of life to face, especially in a society that promotes youth, life, and all things new and now. Take time to grieve, miss your baby, and celebrate how great and glorious it was that Smokey was in YOUR life. Wherever her body remains, her spirit shall forever remain in YOUR heart. If you don't allow your anger and resentment at where her body has been laid to rest consume you... then you can hold her more peacefully and completely in your heart. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Victoria Elizabeth,
I just got off the phone with Mommy a little while ago.  I'm so sorry to hear about Smokey. All my love and giant hugs to you, sweetheart. I know your own capacity for love is immeasurable, and you will be okay. I also know the pain of losing something (or someone, as the case may be) you love. You know I'm a cat lover as well, and I truly believe their love for us runs just as deep. Rather than associate such a sad event with Mom's special day, perhaps in the future, it will be a day to not only celebrate with Mommy, but a day to remember and reflect upon all of the wonderful memories of the cat you loved for so long. Even I remember him honey.
I know you're aware of my popping on here occasionally. I thought it was going to be a way of keeping up with how you are, but has since become the catalyst for me to realize why I've always loved the fact that you have never denied yourself. Never followed a crowd, but proudly march to the beat of your own drummer with your head held high. Never change sweetheart.
I have to say also, I thank you for your concern for Jon. I got the call back when you expressed those concerns. Just to let you know... except for the fact he's a typical, can-always-smell-better-get-better-grades-and-remember-to-take-out-the-garbage-without-being-reminded teenage boy, he's still that wonderful boy who was in the gifted program with you when you both were so young. It seems so long ago. I know you'll never give up on him, and I love you for that. Jaci misses you so much. We'll get you together soon. Her Dad is very near you, and she takes friends on visitation with her very often. Maybe we can plan that sometime soon.
Think about you a lot babe- always here, I know you know that. My internet and email are inoperable, so I can't email until that's back up again.
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

oh doll, I'm so sorry. :(
She meant so much in your life...hold those memories close to your heart, and no matter where you go, or where Smokey goes to rest...she'll be with you forever.  It's the memories that matter, not the monument.  

Anonymous said...

Sorry to invade your space on here BUT I just had to for this , I hope you can forgive me! I am sooooo sorry about Smokey! It didn't hit me til today, maybe cause of shock or what yesterday was but trust me , it's here! I can't believe she's gone, they told you the day after or they NEVER told me! How dare they bury her at your FBG's without your permission! Time heals all things, she's ina better place, yadda yadda yadda, those words all seem so empty.I do believe she's up there right now, stoned on cat nip,trying to chase the mice and running into glass doors , holding her head going .... meow , meow, meow that F@#%ing hurt ! lol  All I can say is this .... I am going to miss my kitty,you are in my thoughts and I am so sorry. If I knew how to post pics on here I would post one of her so everyone could see Smokey! I LOVE YOU !!! I am here for you , you know that or should by now !! <for those of you who don't know or haven't figured it out yet , I'm Hopelessblondies Mommy>

Anonymous said...

What a horrible and inconsiderate thing for "them" to do!! If I were you I would go and bury her up. If you want her to be cremated, then by all means that's what you should do sweetie! If you want a really good suggestion oh where to bury her ashes.... you can build a small memorial garden in your yard dedicated just to smokey and spread her ashes in the gardens dirt. Spring is just around the corner, you can have a beautiful little garden stone made with smokeys name and information and some gorgeous flowers.   Just a thought...but this way you will can visit her anytime you wish. I am a big animal lover (cats and dogs both) and I'm truly appauled that they would bury your precious baby without your knowledge. Very very rude!
Hang in there sweetie...If you need to talk I'm here for you ;o)
HUgs & Blessings,