Monday, March 7, 2005

Quiz thingy!

For your pleasure, here is this Chinese Horoscope thing Lindz sent me. You can post your results in the comments section or an entry of your own, if you choose to participate. Oh, and DON'T read the explaination before you do this, if you plan on it. It'll wreck it. So read til the line of ~~~~, then do it, then come back & read, kay? Kay.

1st.  Get PEN and PAPER

2nd.  When choosing names, make sure they are real people that you actually know

3rd.  Go with your first instincts!  Very important for good results.

4th.  Scroll down one line at a time
Don't read ahead.
Otherwise, you'll ruin the fun.


1. On a blank sheet of paper, write numbers 1 through 10 in a column on the left.


2.  Beside the number 1, write down any number you want.


3. Beside the numbers 2 & 3, write down the names of two members of the opposite sex.




4. Write anyone's name (family, friends, etc.) next to 4, 5, & 6.



5. WRITE down FOUR SONG TITLES in 7, 8, 9, & 10.

6. Finally, make a wish.

Ya ready? Already write down your answers? If not, go do it!



1. The person in space 2 is the one you love.

2. The person you like but your relationship can't work is in
space 3.

3. You care most about the person you put in space 4

4. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.

5. The person you named in number 6 is your lucky star.

6. The song 7 is the song that matches with the person in number 2.

7. The title in 8 is the song for the person in 3.

8. The ninth space is the song that tells you most about your mind.

9. Lastly, 10 is the song that tells you how you feel about life.

10. Oh, and number 1 is your lucky number.


So ya wanna know my results, huh? Okay.

According to this quiz,

Seven is my lucky number.
I love Jake.
I like Murph but it will never work out.
I care most about Lindz.
Liz W. knows me very well.
Ali is my lucky star.
Let Me See the World (my voice solo) is the song that reminds me of Jake.
On My Own (from Les Miz) is the song that reminds me of Murph.
Breakaway (by Kelly Clarkson) tells me the most about my mind and Private Malone (by David Ball, Jaci & my's song) tells me how I feel about life.


And there you have it. Time to type up other stuffs!

Love always,


Anonymous said...

LOL  Mine didn't turn out that great.
number 2 and 3 match perfect.  
She will be loved is song 7.. about my fiance lol
Over and Over is the song for 3.. pretty close!
Feel like a woman was the 9th song .. my mind
Is this it. was the song that tells me how I feel about life LOL
Person 4 and 5 were right on, but not person 6 LOL
Thanks for sharing this
~ Promise

Anonymous said...

My results were really bad.  It said my lucky number is 13, that I'm in love with a lesbian, and the matching song was "Bitch."  I think the Chinese need to come up with a new one, but I did get one that was pretty close.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I can't see the person I have in No.2 being anything like the song I have in No.7!!  No no no no no!!  This was funny, thanks hon :o)
Sara   x