Tuesday, March 29, 2005

So what if it's late?

Weekend Assignment #52: Congratulations! Hollywood is making a movie of your life, and you get to choose any actor you want to play you -- yes, even if they're dead (the things they can do with special effects!) Who do you choose and why?

Extra credit: Name the musician/band who will play the theme song to the movie.

Okay, yes, I understand that these are supposed to be done over the weekend (hence the name) but I didn't and I want to do this one. Who would play me in the movie of my life? I hear tell that one of my choices is quite popular in this assignment but, Sandra Bullock. She's not stunningly beautiful in the drop-dead-gorgeous, follow-her-miles-out-of-your-way type but she is pretty in a natural sense. Which I'd far rather be. There's three types of beauty: classic beauty, gorgeous beauty, and inner beauty. (Taken from some book that I can't remember the name of.) I'd rather have inner beauty because it stays forever and makes even the most hideous being into a creature nearing perfection. But classic beauty is definitely a plus. The only time guys stop and stare at me is when I'm wearing something revealing for once (aka my miniskirt). Gorgeous beauty is not something I aspire to. Sandra Bullock has classic beauty in my mind.

If she's unavailable, my second choice is Julia Roberts. She, too, has classic beauty. She's an amazing actress and always chooses good films to act in. At least, all the ones I've seen. Pretty Woman, Mona Lisa Smile, Erin Brokavich, Ocean's Eleven, America's Sweethearts, Runaway Bride, Notting Hill, Stepmom, My Best Friend's Wedding, Something to Talk About, I Love Trouble, Hook, and others that I've never seen.

Extra credit: I'd have Jewel do my theme song. But like her older stuff. I like her Pieces of You album better than her 0304 album. (But 0304 is still good in it's own way.) If she can't digress, Katrina Elam or Anna Dagmar (www.AnnaDagmar.com).

Off to fetch cinnamon rolls. Want one?

Love always,


Anonymous said...

thanks for posting in my journal :) great pick sanrda and julia are both wonderful women and I tottaly get what your saying about the inner beauty thats why I choose Holly Marie Combs

Anonymous said...

Dang I was going to do this one and missed it now I'm too busy... (so why am I here? hmmmm... can you say task avoidance?) Grrrreat pics. I truly think Sandra B is very hot, and has not only beauty but also class. Sounds like a great movie!

Anonymous said...

Yes please, I'd love a cinnamon roll!!
I think I'd choose the same two, but the other way around.  Julia Roberts first, but Sandra Bullock if Julia wasn't available :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

mmm, cinnamon rolls.  I think there's one in the fridge from this morning!  oh YAY, little joys ;)

I love, love, love Julia Roberts :) definitely my favorite actress.