Friday, March 18, 2005

Sunday Brunch 3/13 (but it sent on 3/16)

Still can't get the darn music to work. But Sunday Brunch before I get kicked off. Oh, I won't be updating until Monday after school. So have a great weekend and a happy Monday!

"Fathers send their sons to college either because they went to college or because they didn't." -L.L. Henderson

1) Did you go to college? I will.
2) Did you live in a dorm or an apartment? N/A
3) Who was your favorite roommate? N/A
4) What is your favorite college sport? Ick. Sports.
5) Who was your favorite professor and class? N/A

And here's a second one:

"I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." -Isaac Newton

1) Have you ever swam in the ocean? If so, which ones? Yes! The Atlantic. I nearly died! Undertow. Knocked off my feet. Couldn't find up.
2) Have you ever been snorkeling or scuba diving? No but I plan to scuba.
3) Do you like traveling by boat and have you ever? Yes and yes.
4) Do you believe that Atlantis existed? Sure, why not?
5) If you could live on the coast of any of the oceans, which ocean and which coast? Pacific and in California.


That's all until Monday when I have a billion. I love you all. Here's to hoping Pixie'll member me with my new hair!

Love always,


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have a fantastic weekend Vickey :o)
She'll remember you, of course she will!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Glad I popped over missed this one, dang alerts. I guess if I had my ideal choice I'd want to live along the Pacific Ocean living on one of the outer islands of Hawwai. But the coast of Maine is awesome, plenty of snow, majestic, granite cliffs, close to plenty of skiing joints. Have a grand weekend. Been on break all week so will definetly be reducing my visitations as school kicks into high gear again. *sigh*

Hope you'll have time to pop on over and read my fairytale I wrote for the Judith Heartsong Literary contest. Was great fun.  Toodles.

Anonymous said...

hope you had agreat weekend!
love, Meg

Anonymous said...

Victoria Darling, I can't see the pictures of your hair.  None of them are downloading or uploading or whatever it is that pictures do.  I've sort of missed what's going on around here, what did you do to your hair?