Today is my Mommy’s birthday. I won’t let you know how old she is because it’s not polite. She turned eighteen the year I was born. Mom is a Pisces as well. Always fun. LOL
I’ve had Smokey my whole life. She was my baby. We didn’t know the exact day she was born but we knew she was about my age so we celebrated her birthday on mine. We had stockings for our cats (and Duchess). They’d get catnip toys and such. And until Christmas morning we kept them in the freezer so they couldn’t smell it. And they went nuts. Smokey and Chya (or Chyna) fought. They would fight all the time. Smokey, the oldest and only female, versus Chya the youngest male. Smokey became our “dog” after Duchess was put down. Duchess was the only one on the loveseat for her year with us. The day she was put down, Smokey took over the loveseat. And Dad got mad. Because we had a bucket of Beanie Babies. And my kitty would drag them everywhere. If she came up to you with one in her mouth, you had to say, “Good girl, thank you, good girl” while petting her head. Then she’d drop it and you could go back to whatever.
Please excuse the coding if it's still there. The music was temporarily taken out but will be but back in soon. Or maybe a different song. Time to go pack for Lindsay's. Will update later.
Love always,
Vickey, your Mum is younger than me, I feel sooo old!!
Sara x
Happy belated birthday mom.
Our cats not only have stockings they also give gifts at Christmas and other gift exchange opportunities... they must have a secret bank acount somewhere... hope the IRS doesn't go after them now. Thanks for sharing about you baby Smokey, I bet it must still hurt.
As we consider moving we must ponder what to do with our dear Tessa, resting peacefully by my wife's flower garden by the bird bath.
the cats name is Chyna and the dog was Dutchess .... how soon they forget how to spell.....lol
I love you!
My grandma always says on her birthday that she's 16...unless it's an election year, then she's 21 ;)
Six gets a stocking too filled with cat nip toys, treats and jingle toys. I even get gifts for family and friends pets, always have..don't know why. Each horse had a stocking I'd fill with carrots, apples & treats...puppy's get a toy and treats, same for kitties. I've never bought a fish gifts though....hmmm ;) or birds or hamsters. how biased ive been ;) will have to make amends! hehehe.
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