Sunday, February 12, 2006

I just deleted most of my alerts. I check bloglines more often than I read alerts. I've got e-mails up to wazoo of journal alerts and I'm just deleting them all. There's a couple I kept b/c I don't know the URL or it couldn't find an RSS feed but other than that, no alerts. I'm just really not focused lately. I don't seem to have time for alerts or journals or updates and it's annoying. I miss you guys so much! It seems like I haven't caught up with some of you in forever and I miss you. I miss the sense of home I had here. It feels like it's been taken away. When that was, I don't know. Maybe it was when the "great exodus" happened or maybe it was later. But either way, I haven't felt at home here in a while. Not to mention that I've had writer's block off and on for a while. I don't feel like getting into the drama in my life at the moment but maybe I'll write here tomorrow. If you guys wanna keep caught up, I tend to write a lot more in my LJ. ( Later...

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