Wednesday, October 27, 2004

At the library

Thank you all for your comments about my writing. I love to do it so this journal is so very very fun for me. That isn't sarcasm. Ewwww!!! Lindz just found an old m&m laying around and she ate it! This isn't at her house! This is the library. People are idiots but, in the fun way right now. Lester (or whatever his name is now) is listening to my Jewel CD. Don't think he likes it. Liz-I miss you!!! I was listening to that this morning and missed you soooooo much! Haha! I listened to the second track. Too bad for you. Back to the general public: life is great right now. I started writing poetry this morning and it was actually happy! It was about fall and the leaves. I'll post it when I finish it. For now, I have an hour to kill here. I guess I'll go read some e-mails (and stop my FLYlady ones until I get my computer back. lol). Arrivederci for now. I'll probably write something after I finish my e-mails.

Love always,

Monday, October 25, 2004


Firstly, two poems I wrote today. No, I was not depressed as I wrote either one. The ecstatic refers to how I feel now however, not then.

Untitled (to be submitted to the school's literary magazine)

Alone in a crowd
Crowded when alone.
Feeling seperated
from the world.
Feeling connected
within myself.
Not together.
Not alone.
The boundaries end
outside of me.
I blend into the world.
My boundaries gone
a squishy mass
a lump of clay.
Don't try to pass.
Mold me.
Shaped me.
Take me.
I'm yours.
A smile flits
across my face.
The day ends
in an embrace.
A lovely world
I'd like to think
And then it hits me
Through the ink
It is a lovely world, and yet
I'm alone in a crowd
and crowded when


That one was written in science class. This next one was written at lunch.

Life goes on
and on
and on.
If I am not here,
it goes on.
It knows nought who is in it.
It does not change from you or me.
It just keeps going.
Always changing,
always the same.
Never changing,
never the same.
Life goes on.


Hope you enjoyed those. Now, for the news.....


I have pink hair!!!! Lindz gave me pink tips (as in six inches on the ends). Amazing. I love 'em. I'll get some pictures to post of my gorgeous pink hair. Not very pink but enough to scare the heck out of my dad when he finds out. See, little rebellions. I told Mom. She loves the idea. Well, Becky (Lindz's mom) wants on the computer. Arrivederci to all.

Love always,

I miei cari amici in J Atterra

Reminder to myself: Do not stay up all hours of the night until summertime comes! It will make you almost miss first period.

That said….

Walking through Crack Alley (aka Peachtree) is hell in the mornings. I probably smell like weed. Not fun at all. But voice is (or would be if my head and stomach would stop hurting!). Buh-bye for 40 minutes-ish.

German class. I feel like I’m a married college womyn who just rolled out of bed after a long night with her husband. Prolly cuz my hair feels messy and I’m wearing a men’s dress shirt. Sometimes this shirt makes me feel crappy and other times I feel amazing.

I guess I go throught phases where I’m obsessed with something then I’ll go into overload and hate it. Clothing, food, CD’s, bits of information.

Time to reveal my latest mystery subject: I love my beautiful brown hair. Nothing to do with my grandmother or shoes as you can see. If you’re new to my journal, check out the rules here: One added rule: it must be done by the deadline given in the entry with the “odd” subject. This one is due on Monday by ten pm. It’s Italian.

Remember Jake (If not, see this entry: )? Mr. Shakespeare? Well, he won’t let me buy the Sparks book that I really want to read because he wants to buy it for me. [Note: he did.] Mr. Messina beckons. Must go participate in a bad joke session.

Love always,

Thinking of...

If Kim is reading this, I'd like to let you know that I'm thinking of you. I know this is a hard time for you and your family. Please let your dad know my thoughts and prayers are with him and you. I won't go into detail here but, I'm sure she would appreciate your thoughts as well.

Love always,

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Sunday Brunch

"Parents are often so busy with the physical rearing of children that
they miss the glory of parenthood, just as the grandeur of the trees is
lost when raking leaves." -Marcelene Cox

This week's meme is in honor of parents, as I just found out this past
week that I am going to become one! I am five weeks (I think) pregnant
with my first child!

1) What do your parents do for a living?
2) How old were your parents when you were born?
3) What is the most important lesson that you learned from your
4) What is the harshest discipline that you ever received from your
5) What is the thing that you are the most grateful to your parents

Thanks for playing and have a great week!



Firstly, congratulations to Erica. Secondly, huzzah! Thirdly, my answers:

1)    My dad is a poly-resin technician. My mom is a stay at home mom.

2)       My dad was twenty-two (twenty three two months later) and mom was seventeen (eighteen less than a month later).

3)       Not to have sex before I’m ready. It will mess up my life seriously. Though they love me, I’m not how they expected life to start out.

4)       I don’t know. Probably some of grounding from television/computer/phone/friends. Yea, very harsh, I know. ::sarcasm::

5)       I’m grateful to my mom for being open-minded and accepting of me fro me. I don’t have to censor myself and I know she won’t punish me for it (unless I say the F word or something). If I told her I was gay or bi, she’d be completely accepting and would like my girlfriend as much as she would if it were my boyfriend. She knows what it’s like to grow up female and how hard it is to deal with all the things I am (not firsthand but, she at least gets it). I’m grateful to my dad for putting up with me so far in life. hehe :P


I’m a freak, I know. If you don’t like it, stop tickling me, Lindz!!!! Sorry bout that. I meant to say, if you don’t like it, leave. Haha. She just fell off the bed. Thanks for putting up with me.


Love always, Vickey


FYI: I hadn't mentioned this before I guess. I'm a singer. I take voice first period (I had mentioned my solo, didn't I?) and choir fifth period. I also play a little bit of piano. Wish I knew more. But, my instructor, Todd, moved and I didn't want a new one (he was pretty darn cute). I think I'm going to get someone to teach me again. All I remember is how to figure out what scale it is and how to play Mary Had A Little Lamb. Oh, I can read music too but that's from Mrs. Stock. I used to do bell choir for my church but when Todd quit, so did I. I know a bit about guitars but, not much. Lindz wants me to mention that she has a guitar. It's electric. Blaaeeeech. Acustic is so much sexier (but it's Lindz so that's okay). Clarification: acustic is sexier because cowboys play it and they wear tight jeans and cowboy hats (as Lindz stares at me in horror because I'm turning into her from sixth grade). Yes, I am a boy-crazy freak. I'm sorry. I'm simply discovering the wonders of guys a bit later than she did, kay? Kay. :-) I apologize that this is becoming me ranting about guys lately. I'll try to stop. Or at least keep it to a minimum. Haha! I have school tomorrow. My homework to do still. It's eleven!!! I'm going to fall asleep in voice, aren't I? Crap. Well, I'll leave you with this thought from Anonymous. "If everything appears to be going well, you don't know what the hell is going on."

Love always,

Advice/Jerky father

Feeling: Surprised
Hearing: WBEE (country)

I'd like to thank all of you who gave advice on my latest situation. Apparently, dear friend Lindz was kidding around! Scared the crap outta me. I talked to her this morning but I don't know how much sense I made. It actually is quite hard to write this without using her name (which I have now been given permission to use). Well, I'm being hit by Lindz. Sleeping at her house tonight and tomorrow so I'll prolly be able to update today and tomorrow. I'm also planning on going to the public library and taking advantage of the free internet services. Time for now to unpack, repack, shower, and fix my nails.

Love always,


Hearing: WBEE
Feeling: Angry

Anybody else noticing a pattern here? I'm mad at my dad. He's a jerk and I wish he would butt out of my life. I now have to report my life to him. Who I'm calling or im-ing. Roar. He keeps coming in my room without permission. The only reason I still live here is because I don't want to start over. If I moved in with my mom, I"d lose my friends and the schools aren't as good down there. The only way I'm getting to college is scholarships. I need good grades and to stay in music. Best music program is right here. I've gotta go unpack and repack. Arrivederci. BTW: Chamomile tea helps tons. Also, one week ago was the marker thing. Today was the only time since then that I've wanted to do that again. I almost threw out my razor so I wouldn't. Instead, drank tea. I'm going back to see Dr. McCann. That's it for now.

Love always,

Saturday, October 23, 2004

To those here from MadmanADHD's journal: Isn't he great? My week has probably just been made. Thank you very much. *beaming*

Secondly, <A href="<center><img%20src=" fun911.jpg? http:>
" target=_top>


The creator of this quiz must be a total freak. I did not have fun that day. I didn't enjoy one bit of it. Didn't cry for a year over it but, didn't have fun. (Lots was going on. Mom had moved out less than a month before and I had just begun middle school. Other crap, too.) If you care to take the quiz, here's a link. Well, I'd better get to bed soon. (It's 11:12pm!) G'night.

Love always,

What the hell?

Feeling: shocked as hell. Let's get that out there first. It's not a choice but, it needs to be said. Secondly, WHAT THE F***?! Now, y'all know I'm a straight ally, right? I'm not a homophobe in the slightest. Well, my dear friend has just shocked the hell out of me. Please, pardon my language. I'm just seriously shocked and don't know how to form a sentence without using an explicit. I should mention that this journal is probably R. Just because of my language. Definitly PG-13, at the least. Well, I'll change that later. My dearest friend, whose name I shall not mention, is apparently in love with me. Dear friend is female. As am I. I'm a straight ally. This is a girl whom I absolutely love but not in that way! Now, I don't know if she's just trying to scare me or not because of her away message: vickey.. i know i surprise people alot.. well i have desided that im a confuessing person!! hehe, and im sorry!!!
Now is that "hehe, i'm kidding" or "hehe i'm embarrassed" or something else that I can't interpret? Oh my gosh! I'm still just absolutely shocked. Maybe a night of sleep will help. What do I tell her? What the heck do I say? How do I let her know that I'm straight, no doubt about it and that those feelings are going nowhere fast? She's my bestest friend but not my romantic interest. For one thing, great though she is, she's a she. I seriously don't know. I'm shaking, did I mention that? I'm shaking and I'm dizzy. Thanks, girl. What the hell do I say? Thanks for listening. Advice is very much appreciated. Another thing to thank her for: I'm hyperventilating! Oh my goodness. Well, I'm gonna go get a paper bag to breath into.

Love always,
The seriously shocked and confused hyperventilator


Yes, yes, yes. Another entry. I'm stocking up. You see, my computer is broken. I can't get online at my house so I'm using my gramma's, Lindz's, and library computers for a while. Anybody care to buy me a new one? Didn't think so. I'll just mooch off friends and the town for a while. Well, here's my Thankful Thursday (on Saturday because I didn't have my computer since Wednesday afternoon).

Thankful Thursday
I got to go to youth group three nights ago.

I have computer acsess for the weekend and a reason to get off my butt and do something!
I've got great, supportive friends (both J-Land and at my school/surrounding schools)
I've got the opprotunity to get an awesome education.
God has helped me grow spiritually recently (not much, but it's a start).
As I get older and more elgant/mature, guys are taking notice and I'm feeling more confident in my body.

I own quite a few nice things (from my bed which tends to suck but at least I have one to the room makeover that's still in the process)
I have amazing abilities in foreign languages and writing somehow.

There's a million other things that I'm thankful for also but, these are the ones that I thought of right now.

Love always,

Continued from entry before the Saturday Six

Time to talk about my favorite author of the moment. I'm not saying other author's aren't great just that this guy holds a place in my heart at the moment, kay? With that said...

I love Nicholas Sparks. Personally, I like his older books better but, they're all good. He writes romance books. Most are tearjerkers. Three have been made into movies (Message in a Bottle, The Notebook, and A Walk To Remember. They're sad movies. I recommend reading the books first. The Rescue is another sad book (with a happy ending, though). More books and information can be found at

On another note, I'm a freaking idiot. I broke my great-grandmother's ring. She gave nine to my mom. Mom took out the three most boy-ish ones for Joey and let me pick my three. The last three are for Sami. My favorite one, a silver one, is broken. One of the three stones fell out. I can't believe it. I'm in tears. I just can't believe it. My great-grandmother's ring. My favorite one. Time for Oedipus. Dammit.

Oedipus sucked and I'm now depressed. I blame Tom. Yes, Peace Boy. If he hadn't suggested Jailbreak, I wouldn't have taken off my ring and put it in Lindz's bag. If it weren't in her bag, I wouldn't have gotten it in math and put it on. If it weren't on, I couldn't have dropped it and broken it. Darn Tom. I should read The Odysessy or do my math (can't do my math because it's in my locker actually) or study my voice/choir music. I'll go read The Notebook. Perhaps I can get all the way to the part that makes me cry in thirty minutes. Yeah, right. *sigh*

Decided to read the rest of Tuesday's English assignment instead. Sucked. Boring. Someone, please, leave me your funniest joke in the comments section. I won't steal it or anything. I just need a laugh. Ten minutes of torture left. I have a new name. Aphrodite la Corinda. I don't know what it means, if anything. Sounds pretty though. I just made it up. hehe ^_^ Spectrum meeting in a few. Don't really want to go. I promised I would and I try not to break a promis if at all possible.

Yes, this is one long freaking entry. All connected only because I wrote them in the same pages. Spectrum rocked. Very funny meeting. Rated a few poems. Katie and Charline's (wrong name, I know. opps! Can't remember the correctone) rocked. Lindz's didn't fair as well. Drove Lindz home. Picked up Joey. Went to get coustumes. The guy that was working the wall hit on me.... He was about 17, I think. I told him I was looking for a coustome that would scare my dad. He asked, "Scare as in 'Ahhh!' or scare as in 'That's my daughter!'?" I responded, "I was going to be Marilyn but, you're sold out." He starts pointing out coustomes that I might like. Customes like "Sexy little kitten" and "sexy cop" and "Twilight Pixie" and others. Mostly involving the word or description of "sexy". Thank goodness my dad didn't notice (my brother did though!) otherwise that guy would be dead. Since they were sold out of Marilyn, I'm obviously not Norma Jean for Halloween. Instead, I'm an enchantress. Long black dress w/a slit halfway up my thigh and a red cape. I love it. Came home & ate dinner. Tried on costume and talked to Lindz. Eventually went to bed.

Well, it's now Saturday afternoon/evening. Last night, I went out to dinner and actually enjoyed my family. *gasp of shock* Came back and got on the computer. Talked to a few friends about a few serious matters and to some about a few stupidocity matters. Managed to yell at Timmy for not being there Wednesday night (apperently, he had a school project to do). Went to bed very late after disgusting myself. I found this site that had a very, very graphic depicition of one patient's cutting experience. It was digusting.
vickey:holy shit....
vickey:  the website i'm at.... holy shit... i refuse to give you the URL. 
lindz:  oh ok.... may i ask... WTH?!?!
vickey:  very graphic depiction of cutting
lindz:  can i have the url?
lindz:  V_V;
vickey:no, lindz, no. i wont give it to you. i'm not trying to be mean. this is sick. it's so graphic, so disgusting. no, just just no

It was so disgusting. I was in tears. Of course, at that moment as my face is contorted in a grimace of horror, my step-grandpa comes over to tell me that I have to wrap it up. I went to bed scared and horrified. Woke up at 12:45!!!!! That's PM! Almost 13 hours of sleep. So far today, I've eaten "breakfast", took a walk with my gramma/her dog, blogged, checked e-mail, and instant messaged. I should go have a life or do my homework. I think I'll go do that. Happy birthday, Sara! Sorry I couldn't come. Arrivederci, all.

Love always,

Saturday Six (on time, too!)

1. Think back to your years of Trick or Treating:  Which one of your past Halloween costumes are you most proud of?

Which one? Geez... to only pick one is so difficult. I guess I really liked the sock-hopper coustume my great-step-grandmother made me. I wore it as three different variations. Once as a sock-hopper, once as a roller-skating waitress, and once as "Good Sandy" from Grease.

2. What is the format of your favorite radio station?  (In other words, what type of music does it play?)

Today's country

3. What is the oldest thing in your medicine cabinet?

I'd tell you if I was at home... Instead, the oldest thing in my grandmother's vitamin storage unit thingy is *goes to check* *back* unknown. The stupid things don't have dates on them.

4. What kind of book do you most prefer:  hardback, paperback, audio or library?

Paperback. My copy of The Notebook is paperback & you can see where my hands go everytime I open it up.

5. What is your favorite comfort food and when was the last time you felt bad enough that you needed a big helping of it?

Depends on the time but caramel apples, chocolate covered strawberries, and homemade nachos rank pretty high. I had a caramel apple yesterday but that was just a craving not a "need to feel better" thing. I think it would have been Sunday night but, I didn't opt for the comfort food....

Dust off your high school yearbook.  What was your Senior quote and/or what were you voted ''Most...'' or ''Most Likely To....''?

I'm only a freshman!!! I'd like to be voted "Most Likely To Break Her Family's Bad Traditions" (aka dropping out of high school before senior year, not going to college, and having children at a very young age) but I don't think that's a category. My quote will probably be something like, "What is normal? Is it you? Is it me? Is it him or her? It is all of us. We are all normal to ourselves. It is when we stop acting as we typically do when we are not normal."



Hope you enjoyed this edition of the Saturday Six. That's it for now.

Love always,

Friday, October 22, 2004

From Thursday morning-youth group

I might see Mrs. Lynch (my school counselor), Dr. McCann (my ex-out of school counselor), or Dr. Allam (Lindz's counselor) about the urge I had. My main concern is that I don't want Dad to be told. I would have seen Mrs. Lynch already if I thought she wouldn't tell Dad but she has to. Slightly happier note: at youth group, I wrote a prayer request that they please pray for me to further resist the temptation.

Speaking of youth group, it has been way too long between visits. I'm going next week with Lindz, too. Might even go on Sunday! We prayed, played games, prayed, and played Jailbreak. Timmy wasn't there. He said he would be. Doom on him. I miss him so much. He's homeschooled this year and was away all summer. I haven't seen him since June! Gosh, do I miss him! But Tom was there. Oh, I haven't mentioned Tom before. At least, I don't think I have. If so, it was long before anyone started reading to the best of my knowledge. He's Peace Boy. When I was in third grade, he danced with my friends at recess. He was in fourth. He had a peace sign on his retainer so we called him Peace Boy. He's now fourteen, Christain, funny, opininated, and cute. I had forgotten how great he was. As I told Lindz after he left, I still have a crush on him. I doubt he notices me much, though. I know exactly what you're thinking. "Why wouldn't he notice you? Why wouldn't he like a great girl like you?" etc. I'm not saying I'm not. My self esteem and self-confidence are pretty high, thank you very much. It's just that I'm the girl he hardly remembered from elementary. I sat on the sidelines and wouldn't dance. I was shy. I just don't think he notices me much is all. On another note, he taught me DutchBlitz. Still a little hazy on the rules but, it's fun. Catchphrase is great too. All in all, great time at youth group. After the group dispersed, we went to Alicia's (the pastor's daughter). She showed us this video of a song. I think it was called, "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb". So sad! I think I've seen it before. No matter how many times I see it, I'm sure it would still be sad.

Note: More later. For now, I'm going out to dinner with my gramma, step-grandfather, and brother. Hope I can survive it. Love always,

From Monday or Tuesday night

Well, thank God! That reflex is gone. My father is an asshole but I don't want to cut myself. He's an idiot! I hate him. He's making me do all my laundry. (But not cooking or dishes like last time) I know I sound like a spoiled brat but I don't like laundry. It sucks. I could but my memory sucks. I don't remember to switch the clothes and then I'm screwed the next day. Opps! I have homework! Crap! More in a while. (School is important after all.)

Shit. Dad just read this. He didn't know I ever wanted to cut. Now that he read this, he probably knows it. I don't know how much he read of it.  He knows I hate him and that I called him an asshole though. Shit.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Another that may be hard to read

The Dying Temptation

physical scars are fading
emotional last forever
hurt so deep inside
coming out into the world
coping skills are fading
fading far and fading fast
many share my pain
hoping it won't last
but it changes you forever
for ever and a day
showing scars
holding blades
poised to cut
praying not to
knowing you might
praying for God to save you
from the devil's clutch
ripping at your heartstrings
feels like too much
the day will come when
the temptation won't
blood won't be wanted
pain just a memory
I feel the day is coming.
I hope the day is coming
and coming fast.


For once, I am the inspiration for my own poem. Not always the best thing. My poetry is typically dark and sad rather than happy and hopeful. This seems to be no exception (but the end is hopeful, in my mind). Thank you to all that are worrying over me. I promise you, I will be fine. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. For now, I'm going to youth group tonight!!! Yay! I'll tell y'all how it went later. Timmy's going to be there! I haven't talked to him in for ever! Life is definitly looking up at this moment in time.

Love always,

Ich leibe mein schoenes braunes Haar. (note: oe means o with an umlut over it for you German buffs)

This entry is going to be short but, I will still be doing the foreign language thing with some entries. (See the subject of this one.) The last one was incredibly difficult and for that I apologize. The correct answer (which was not given. in fact, no answer was guessed) was "I take German but think French is much prettier." It was in French. The subject of this one is in German. It's not as hard seeing as how I made it up through my own knowledge of German. Good luck!
Love always,

Monday, October 18, 2004

Beware: This may be hard to read but I must write it.

Last night, I got into a fight with my father. He claimed my mother and I were too much like friends and not enough like mother and daughter. That she's too immature. That she wants to be friends w/my friends and me but she's 30, not 14. I got angry and I yelled and screamed. I went up to the bathroom, slammed the dorr, and was met with "Your brother needs to brush his teeth." I screamed, "Yeah, well, I need to change my tampon!" So, I did my bathroom business and thought, "God. Do I want to cut myself. All I want to do right now is cut." Background info: I've never hurt myself intentionally but I have friends that do. Early September, I was overwhelmed and wanted to cut. Wanted my parents back together (not happening). Was very low inside but seemed normal to my friends and family. Back to last night: I knew I was not about to scar my body for life. I was not touching that razor for one second. Had I, I would have cut. No doubt in my mind. Instead, I went downstairs and got a red marker. Back up to my room, shut the door, and drew on my left wrist as though I were cutting. 5 lines parallel to my wrist, one perpindicular. My right calf-three diagonal lines over three other lines in a tic-tac-toe pattern-ish. Left calf- 11 diagonal lines, same pattern. My legs are covered by my jeans today. My arm, by my sweater. Math next period. I"m tolling the arms of my sweater up. Hope Lindz got my note. It said, "Do me a huge favor, plz? Look at my left arm. Ask about it." So far, no one has noticed. v_v Not Kim or Laura or Sarah. I didn't let my arm show to anyone else. TIme to see if she got it. Update later, I promise.

Love always,


Later-She hadn't got my note. I showed her. She was surprisingly calm. I scared her. I had a few very typical cutter reactions. I didn't want to tell people. I wanted them to find out and ask. I wanted them to show that they care by asking if I was okay, what happened. I felt calm after I drew...... I keep seeing my legs, the redness of the lines. I had washed my arm so it was faded but, my legs are untouched. It keeps scaring me. I keep thinking I'm bleeding. I'm worried b/c this may progress. I hope not but, it might. V_V I'm also worried about what you all will think. Writing in here is such a new and different experience. I write all the time but, never in a public setting. People read this. On a regular basis. Every word. You are, aren't you? I find myself wanting to censor myself but, I want to be candid. If I want to say, shit , I want to be able to say shit without worrying what you'll think. I just censored myself again. I was going to say f*** instead of shit but, I held it back. Enough self-analysis for now.

Love always,

Saturday Six (on a Monday)

1. What was your favorite Halloween candy to receive as a child?

I don't consider myself a child anymore but, I still like to get candy. Currently, Babe Ruth's are my favorites.

2. Of cities you've visited (that you don't live in), which is your favorite and why?

NYC, baby! I don't travel much but I went there and the city is so gorgeous! So big! I was filled with awe at the impressiveness of the buildings and other structures.

3. What is the oldest appliance in your kitchen (and how old is it)?

I have no idea at all! Probably the microwave (about 10 years old, I think).

4. How many broken bones have you suffered in your life time, and when was the most recent?

Never a broken bone, stitch, nosebleed. Only one surgery (tonsilectomy), knock on wood.

5. Check your caller ID:  who is the last person to have called you?

Called my house? I don't know (Dad deleted the Caller ID for once). Called me-Liz last night

Nettie: What would you say is your biggest "character flaw?"

Biggest character flaw? Hmmm... A cross of two things, I guess. Severe PMS and obsession. I tend to eat half the bag of chips rather than a handful, 12 cookies rather than one, want to know everything about my newest interest (JFK, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, etc.) at once, etc.

On the PMS note, it sucks!!! (Sorry guys. I need to rant for a minute.) PMS SUCKS! Ow & ugh!

Done ranting (don't have the energy/ambition). Thanks for listening. Love always,


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Sunday Brunch

Angry is due to idiotic fathers. If you are a father, please don't be an idiot. If you are an idiot, please don't be a father. Explaination tomorrow. For now, Sunday Brunch (at ten to nine. LOL).

"Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so
beautifully furnishes a house."
-Henry Ward Beecher

1) What size is your bed?
2) Do you prefer fabric sofas or leather sofas? What do you have?
fabric, fabric
3) What wood stain color is your favorite? (Pine, walnut, cherry, etc.)
4) What piece of furniture is at the top of your wish list right now?
a canopy for my bed (does that count? if not, a new chair but, i want to keep my old one)
5) Do you have a piece of furniture in your home that doesn’t seem to
fit but that you can’t bear to part with?
My desk, chair, dresser, nightstands, cubes, bookshelves, lamps, everything in my room!!!!!

Fathers suck. at least mine does.... I'm so glad he doesn't have my blog URL. Thanks for listening, y'all.

Love always,
The highly adjatated teenage b**** (yes, I use masked profanites. Deal with it or leave. Sorry, hunnies but, I'm in that kind of a mood. If I ever use unmasked profanities, I apologize but they're necessary sometimes!!!!!!!)

Friday, October 15, 2004

Protest for Peace-my side

Today, there is a protest for peace fourth period. Beena and Kat (from the GSA) are doing it. We walk out to the bus loop. The news will be there. I don't know if I should go. On the one hand, I do believe in peace. I don't want our troops in Iraq. On the other hand, I'd have to skip science class. I don't want to get in trouble but it's two tardies "free" a week. Third sends you to Saturday School. I think I'm doing it. Dad's punishment for my last walk-out/suspension was stupid. An essay and a grounding. Big whoop! Mom will be disappointed but understanding when I tell her. I don't know. I'm leaning towards walking out (into the raine!) but I'm still not sure. I'll write more later (including the account of my decision). For now, Ich muss meinen Deutsch lernen (since I speak German).

Contest alteratations: Only one entry in a few (perhaps one a week) will be "odd". Also, I'll tell you the language it's in. That one was in French. It's much prettier than German. Good luck! One more thing: that one was harder than the others will be. It's pretty much two sentences. From now on, I promise they'll be one simple sentence (like "The cat had a tunic on." or something silly like that). Partial credit will be awarded. Best of luck (or as the Germans say, "Alles gute.")!

Seeing as how I"m sitting in science, I'm not going to the walk-out. If I had studyhall, I would so be there. I told Lindz to go and tell me everything. I'll write it up later so y'all can hear the story too. (Actually, I'm having her sign on my screenname later and add an entry.) If only I had this period free. I want to show my beliefs (anti-war and anti-Bush) but I don't want to get written up. Somehow, I have to make it through the class (and everyone until the end) before I can hear what happened! Ahhhhhhh!!! Class is starting. Have you ever felt that sadness in your heart that literally hurts? That's how I feel right now, missing this demonstration of beliefs, my beliefs, their beliefs. As I said, class begins. Ahhh! I still have five periods and ten minutes left until I can call Lindz. I don't know if I can survive! *swoons* Class commences.


It's the day after the protest and I know there was a reason I wasn't there. I don't know what that reason is but, there has to be one. My mom'll be here any minute and I can't wait. That means no updates until Sunday night or Monday afternoon. Sorry bout that. It also means I get away from the tyrant I call Dad. He's really annoying me lately. Keeps nagging me and complaining about my stuff and my habits. Add to his nagging and complaining my lack of tolerance for idiots (esp male idiots) right now and I can't wait to get out of this house. I'll miss you all while I'm gone. Arrivederci. Love always,

Thursday, October 14, 2004

My solo

"Typical" teen that I am, I'd rather do anything but schoolwork. I could do my math or my science. I could practice my solo. (I don't think Mr. Messina would like that much.)

About my solo, I love it! It's in Italian. An Italian love song. I'm going to sing it to my Poppy when I learn it. It's gorgeous. Caro mio ben. Cre di mi almen, Senza di te, Languischi il cor. My dearest love, believe me at least, without you, my heart languishes forever. I love it!


P.S. Tomorrow I'll write up another entry. I've got it written already but, I don't have time to type it. I know you're all dying to hear about the Protest for Peace but, you'll have to wait a bit longer. Sorry, sugar. Love to y'all!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Je prends l'Allemand mais pense que le Français est beaucoup plus.

Well, the contest begins now. What does my subject mean? On your honor, now. Don't use a translator. Let's see... what to talk about? I have nothing of relevance to write. How about Halloween?

I love October. (To see a few reasons, go to this entry.) Halloween is absolutely amazing. I'm dressing up as a brunette Marilyn Monroe. My dress is a copy of the one she wore with the air from the subway blowing up her skirt. Plus a white fur coat and heels (if I can find some). Probably going to go to Lindz's party and hang there. I'll get to show off my fabulous coustume to more people that way. hehe ^_^ Well, I can't wait to go to the Cider Mill and get cider and ooo! Seasame seed treats! I can't wait! OM Gosh! They're the bestest things ever! Oh, and caramel apples! I just had one the other day. My first one in October for two years! (Braces suck!) Oh, what else can I not wait for? Leaves! Jumping in leaves! I wish the complex would leave a pile for me to jump and play in!

Well, I should stop talking to every one and start doing my homework. Life as a freshman sucks sometimes. Love y'all.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Perhaps I should start a contest about funky subject lines. See the P.S. for details.

sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks

Yes, you can all say sucks here. Don't worry. I won't tell your mommy. hehe ^_^


There technically isn't a new woman in the house. She's not living here but, they are sleeping together. I think I told my dad that I know he's sleeping with her but, he refuses to admit it. The remulling of the divorce happened slightly before the discovery of their boudoir antics. I don't think I'll ever stop going over that time in my head just because it defines me in so many ways. I would not be the same person I am now if my parents were still together, happily. Going through any large event changes you. Oh, and anyone that gives advice to me, thanks. Don't worry about sounding like Ann Landers. (Madman, it's part of the whole Pisces thing. I do the same.)

When I answered that second to last question (about which two historical people I would want to met), I quite honestly thought of far more womyn (see end of this paragraph) than men that I might have put down. Cleo and Joan seemed like better choices to me though. I don't really know why. Women do not get protrayed often in history. When they do, they are typically not treated well in their society. Thank goodness we are now. (Sorry, I tend to go off on the subject of how woman are treated. To start with, it's woMAN. Why not womyn or womin? From here on out, woman will not be used by me except in school papers. Womyn is now the term. Kay? Great!)

I shall be glued to the television this Wednesday night for the final debate. I'm sure that it will be assigned to me by my wonderful teacher. Thank you, Mrs. Brooks. *rolls eyes* Thus, it will be a forced gluing. Unfortunatly for her, I did not finish watching this last debate. Is it my fault if I fell asleep? (Yes, I did tape it but, shhh! She doesn't know that.)

Well, I have homework that I had better do because I don't want to be killed. If anyone would like to do a divider page for me, I'd really appreciate it. Just kidding. I'll do it myself, I suppose. Arrivederci.



P.S. Okay, here's the deal with my subject lines. From now until I feel like stopping, I will put a funky subject line in a foreign language. You try to decipher it. Reward: I'll put your screen name in my entry with a link to your blog if you leave it in the comments section. I can't leave the link in the entry if I don't know the address in the first place. Rules are: no translators. Not as in the profession. As in the object. Okay? Ummm... this starts with my next entry. Good luck!

Sunday Brunch on a Monday

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
-Walt Disney

1) What is your favorite Disney movie and why?

Favorite? As in one? Hmmm... Sleeping Beauty, I think because Love conquers all in that movie.
2) Who is your favorite Disney character and why?

Cinderella because she was a poor little girl who fell in love (can you tell I like love?) and became a princess.
3) What is your favorite Disney song and why?

Once upon a dream from Sleeping Beauty because the melody is enchanting and the thought of knowing your love before you met them (yes, I'm in a romantic mood) is great to me.
4) Disneyland or Disneyworld? Why?

I don't know because I've never been to either one.
5) Do you have any decorations or articles of clothing in your home
that are Disney and what are they?

Yes, I'm sure. Let's see.... my shirt right now has Pooh & Piglet. I have a sweatsuit with Tinkerbell on it (top and bottom). Also, I have a Tinkerbell pen. I'm sure there's other stuff but, I can't recall it at the moment.

Well, that's it for now. I think I'm addicted to blogging. Ahhh! That's probably not a good thing. Oh, well. I'll work on it. Have a great day.


most hated household chore?

Monday Morning Question:

What is your most hated household chore?

Vacumming! I hate it!

Response to Madman's Comment/Questions

Glad you had fun at the mall. Not sure about the Super Girl shirt. Perhaps should try out a few more and see if any others have a similar effect.

Firstly, the SuperGirl shirt. It's a white T-shirt w/a heart in the middle of my chest. It's the heart that tends to make guys look at my chest. I know I haven't said this anywhere but, guys don't tend to look at my bosom since it's not exactly ample. Enough said? If not, I will elaborate.

Secondly, Dad is basically busted. Another woman in the house... hmmm.. How do I feel about that? I really don't know. I like my family's traditions & I like how life is now pretty much but, I do hate being the ONLY female. I think it would have been easier had my parents just gotten along but that didn't happen and so I have to deal with it. Recently, I've started re-mulling over the divorce in my mind. Not a great thing to do.

Now, for my answers to the questions...

1. If you could be a member of any TV family, currently on TV or from the past, which would you chose and why?

I would choose to be a member of the Ingalls family. They were a very tight-knit close family with few problems that could not be dealt with. Also, I used to be obsessed with that show.

2. If you could invite any 2 people from history (can't be a relative, have to be deceased) who would you invite and where would you take them to eat?

Only two people? Hmm.. now I have to narrow down my fasinations to just two. I think I'll go onto the next question and then come back. Okay, I think I've got some idea. I would want to invite Cleopatra and Joan of Arc because I think Cleopatra was an amazing, sexy woman and Joan of Arc was an amazingly brave woman to lead the troops to war. I would take them to eat at the Roadhouse Grill because it's a very American place in my mind and I would like them to experience American culture.

3. Stranded on a desert isle for a year. You can have one book, one CD, and one magazine or periodical dropped to you for the year. What would you choose?

Only one book, CD, and magazine for a year? Firstly, I'm assuming by magazine dropped to me you mean that I'd get every issue for that year. If I'm wrong, oppsies. My one book would be ... well, I should probably say the bible but, I'm leaning towards on of Nicholas Sparks's books. I think I'll say Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks because it's a romantic book but, it's a tearjerker. I enjoy sad stories but, the journey to the sorrow is romantic & I, perhaps it's my Pisces or my something else, am a hopeless romantic. I'd give anything to know that when I'm an adult, I will have my true love as my husband. My CD would be... hmmm... (I'm calling the wedding off. Your questions are too hard!!! lol) I guess I'd have to pick Jewel's Pieces of You because it reminds me of when I was little. I don't really know why. For my magazine, I would choose CosmoGirl! because it would keep me informed on world events (some what) and it would keep me feeling great about myself & my situation. I'd feel great about my life & be inspired by the true stories of girl's far worse of than I. Now, back to the other question.

Okey-dokey? Well, I'm off to do that pesky homework. These questions were actually pretty hard. (For those that are new here, I am not marrying Madman. Just thought I'd make that clear.)

Love ya


Sunday, October 10, 2004

not worth the time

Going to my aunt's tonight. Hope I survive. (kidding) Longer entry tomorrow.

Well that was great!

That was so amazing! I got to hang out with Beena & Liz J & Justin & Jeff (the last two suck because they wouldn't come watch Beena & Liz try on prom dresses:( ). I stalked Murph's sexy body (lol) and he talked about my chest again. People apparently notice my chest when I wear my SuperGirl shirt. Maybe I should wear it more often. Hmmmm...

Well, I had immense fun at the mall. Beena & I tried these Chicken Ceaser Salad Wraps. They were divine. Umm... yea...

My dad is sleeping with his girlfriend, Gail, and he won't admit it. Her toothbrush was in my bathroom, he had cleaned the car out from Sunday papers "for me" (yea, right. He never cleans the car out for me.), and Joey found her anklet broken in Dad's bed. All evidence points to sleeping together, correct? Any theories? I'd love to hear them. Also, the three questions thing is still on. I look forward to reading your questions.

Love y'all.


This has 2 b extremely short but, here goes...
I'm going to the mall w/Beena! Yay! Update later. Haven't seen her in forever! Love y'all!

Answers to questions


Have you used the word 'Nigger' in any way in the last 30 days?
I have never used the 'n' word in any way let alone in the last thirty days.

Do you believe that when women masturbate they fantasize more about a man/boy they don't know (an ideal) or a known person - (someone from their everyday life)?
Interesting question. Umm... I don't know, honestly. Probably more about an ideal because that person is "perfect" and they (probably if it's a movie star or something, definitly if it's a made up person) won't ever see you so you can't feel embarassed. Hope that makes sense.

Do you know anyone who is addicted to alcohol/cocaine/opiates (heroin, painkillers etc.)?  Do you feel that addiction is a 'weakness of character' or something more - like maybe a bonafide disease perhaps?  
My parents are addicted to cigarettes. They have been since before I was born. A few of my friends are addicted to hurting themselves. Hopefully, I will be able to say that I know no one who is addicted to anything. I feel addiction is a disease that is not always easily conquered. However, it should be fought with the support of family and friends.

Great questions. I look forward to answering many more.


Saturday, October 9, 2004

Saturday Six

First of all, for my loyal readers *giggles*, TRSH is Tardy Restricted Study Hall or Tardy.  You go when you are late for a class and your teacher is less than symathetic. I would like to add that Frau Mac is the best teacher in the world. I was about a minute late to her class (right after I had to go to TRSH) and she let me in! *snaps for Frau Mac* Now, for my Saturday Six......

1. What is your favorite cartoon show?

I don't really like cartoons any more but, I do enjoy watching with my baby sister. Mostly because she enjoys them.

2. I found this on
Wil's journal:  Take the quiz...What natural disaster are you? 

<A href="<center><img%20src=" border="0" quizresulthurricane.jpg? images watercircle http:>

What Natural Disaster are you? Take the quiz!


What Natural Disaster are you? Take the quiz!

3. What was the design of the last postage stamp you used?

Probably an American flag with an eagle

4. What was the last pill you took?

My vitamin (which reminds me, I'm almost out)

5. It's your ultimate breakfast:  what's on the plate?

Hmm... that's actually hard to choose because my mood influences what my "ultimate breakfast" is. I guess corned beef hash, pancakes, Over Easy eggs, crispy bacon, and chocolate milk. But, please, nobody try to make this. It'll probably sound disgusting to me on that day.

SpringsNymph and Neil:
a) When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be many things including teacher and ballerina.

b) Are you anywhere close to that dream now?

I'm still a high school student.

c) Now that you're in the "real world," is your current job now really what you want to do for a living?

Am I considered in the "real world"? If so, this is not what I want to do for the rest of my life.

d) If not, what would you ultimately like to do?

I have no idea! I want a job I love, children, to marry the love of my life, to attend church more regularly, and to travel. Not necessarily in that order. I will be married before I have children.

Hope you all enjoyed this edition of the Saturday Six. To get in the loop and do these questions, go to This is Patrick's journal. Every Saturday he posts the questions. You answer them in your journal or in the comments section. Kay? Love y'all.


Friday, October 8, 2004

At the party- Murph, you're in here

I'm at Jake's party writing this. I feel sort of uncomfortable. They've got vodka and are inhaling incense. The mosquitoes love me. Don't think Dad will have a problem with the no dating rule. Earlier, Jake put his arm around my waist. It rose higher and higher. It made me very uncomfortable. I just meet him. I feel like I hardly know him yet, I've talked to him for weeks. This is coming from the fourteen year old die-hard romantic that hasn't even held hands with a guy, okay? He read me Shakespeare's 18th sonnet (Madman, you were right. Highly predictable...)

Random guy sitting next to me wants to be in my blog. Murph is his name. Rob was strip-dancing on Murph's car. Eww! Sara(h) rocks. They're anglining to get cigarettes. Timmay and Kiate are standing next to me. Kris is here too. My hands are freezing. I still have homework to do. Lindz's mom'll be here soon.

"Someday I'll fly away/Leave all this to yesterday."

Well, me is tired. Love y'all. Especially my future husband, whoever he is, where ever he is.

XO Vickey XO


Hey y'all. I couldn't watch the debate any longer. Too tired. Anyhow, this is a night where I'm going to long to be one of Nicholas Spark's characters, I can tell. They're intriguing, sexy, confindent, and so many other things that I long to be (some of which I am). Most of all, they're in love and they're womyn. *sigh* Good night. ~Vickey~


So basically, I'm sitting in Global now. Finished the vocabulary sheet. Probably boring you out of your mind. Does anyone know AngelEyez1970's new journal? Could you please leave a link to it in the comment section? It's the A Lil' Country Charm one. Thanks so much.

Wow. Friday already! Still 2 1/2 period's to go. I don't even know where I'm sleeping tonight! I hope at home but I doubt it. I miss my bed. I miss my room. I want a good, long night's sleep. What are you all doing for the holiday weekend? Happy Thanksgiving, Canada. A few years ago, I saw fireworks at the USA/Canada border for Thanksgiving (or was it Independance?) Day. Classes are changing. More from English, perhaps.

Well, English was boring. Sat and waited for Rachel to get back from the bathroom so we could work on our project. Ended up doing nothing for most of the period. I have 20 minutes left in this sauna and no money to buy a drink. Maybe I should use mental money. Or my spleen (inside joke). Did you know your spleen is a real functioning body part? It filters out dead blood cells. Murph told me that. He's obsessed with spleens and something else......... (Don't worry. Nobody's bf/gf will find out from moi.)

Have you ever seen Moulin Rouge? I'm addicted to it. The song Satine sings about flying away is stuck in my head. Only two lines though. I'm going to watch it at some point this weekend. My new lyrics to it: "Someday I'll find my love/Fly into the stars above."

Are you dressing up for Halloween? If not, how old were you when you stopped? If so, care to share your age? Optional-of course. I'm 14 (15 in February) and I'm prolly going trick-or-treating. Marilyn Monroe, I think. Something glamourous and sexy. My dad's gonna have a cow. Any suggestions for my coustome?

Well, studyhall is nearly over (that means school is over) so I'm going away.

Hey, y'all. It's quarter to nine and the Presidental Debate starts in 15 minutes. Are you watching it? I'd love a great debate. I don't like either candidate but, I'm Democrat so I suppose Kerry is my candidate. He seemed quite arrogant. "I can do better." "When I am President, I...." Anybody else get that vibe? But, I don't like Bush either. He lied about the weapons of mass destruction and Iraq was not in this war until he brought it in. Yes, Saddam was an awful tyrant but, he was not theratening us at the time. We should have foucused on Bin Laden. Well, I'llbe back on after the debate, if I can. If not, I'll write tomorrow. Love y'all.


*Romance before Government*

Morning After the Party

It's the morning after the party and I'm sitting in TRSH. Late. Without a pass. It's such a joke. I just sit and write for forty minutes. I can talk to Lindz in sign, too. She (the "teacher") can't see my hands because Laura's in front of me.

I flet so incredibly light this morning. I don't know why. I'm covered in bug bites from last night. I put my hair up because Jake thought I was gorgeous with it down. He got too touchy-feeling for me. (As said in an entry that should have been prior to this but will be after this because it's in my backpack and that won't be here until about 9:30 but, I will copy it down as soon as I get it, I'm not into the physical. I think I'm going to be the kind of girl that you don't touch unless I send clear signals or I make the first move. I even gave lcear signals last night that I did not want to be touched. I went to run when he was hanging on me. I moved away when he moved near. I hung on Lindz. I went for a drink when his arm was on my waist and I never touched him. I put my elbows in his way. So many signs. He didn't get it until I asked Lindz to talk to him. He stayed away for a while. Didn't touch me at all until I left. I hugged everyone then.) I pulled a Jamie. Have you ever read A Walk to Remember? In it, Jamie manipulates Landon. When mad at him, she pulls her hair back into a bun. When not mad at him, she leaves it down. I was ticked-ish that he thought I would let his hands be on my waist for the night so I put my hair up. (Though he did ask if I was okay with it and I said yeah but, at the time, I was. I soon became uncomfortable with it.) See? At fourteen, I already can manipulate guys. My mom taught me well. LOL. Not really. I learned myself.

Well, I still can't believe I have people reading this. Murph checked in earlier. No, this is not your mention in my blog. That will be in the entry entitled "The Party", kay? A few people from J-Land have come here. At least one has an alert set up. Leave me a comment and I'll leave a link to your blog in here. I've got an alert for comments up and I flip (in a good way) whenever I see an alert for comments in my in-box. So help me flip out! TRSH is almost over. Love y'all.

XO Vickey

Questions for me?

I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want and I will answer it.

Then, I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.

Rant/Weekend Assignment

Before I get to the weekend assignment and the party, allow me to say this. Or rather scream it. (I apologize in advance for the headache.) No one has the right to judge other people. One cannot judge someone unless you, yourself, are perfect. If you are, please, judge all you want. Only one being is perfect. God. Okay, I'm done with the rant for now. You may uncover your ears now. Time for the Weekend Assignment...

 Weekend Assignment #28: The United States Congress (or appropriate legislative body in the country in which you live) has vested in you the power create exactly one National Holiday, celebrating anyone or anything you want, no questions asked. What is the name of your holiday, what does it celebrate, and how should we celebrate it?

One Rule: It can't be a holiday that honors someone who already has a holiday. Share the wealth, people.

Extra credit: Name the holiday that already exists that you'd like to see have a higher profile.


I would create a holiday for mystical creatures. Unicorns, centaurs, etc. It would be called Mysticality Day. We should celebrate Mysticality Day by reliving our childhood's. In the sense that we should recall the creatures we once believed in that some of us still do. We should watch movies about them and read books about them and let our children grow up believing in them, too.

Extra Credit: Groundhog Day because how many holidays center around an animal?

Thursday, October 7, 2004

Party tonight/computer

Well, first of all, the party with Jake is tonight. I'll let y'all know how it went tomorrow (or later tonight). Secondly, my e-mails are all back! Everything is how it was. This is so weird. Well, I still love me some comments....
XO Vickey XO

P.S. Madman-I've had tons of immature students sing the song from the Fairly Odd Parents to me. (the one that goes, "Icky Vicky. You're so icky"). In 4th grade, my best friend (Tori-I miss you!) jinxed me so I couldn't talk until she said my name 3 times. She pretended to forget my name and starts rhyming Vickey with stuff. "Mickey, Nickey, Bicky, Kicky, [insert something inappropriate here]". But, she was just kidding........... I hope........ Well, arrivederci all!

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

YAY!/This sucks!

Okay, well, now I have to marry MadmanADHD. Just kidding. Two comments in one day! From one person! Somebody has an alert on my journal! (Leave a comment and you'll get this kind of praise, I'm sure!)Yay!  As he said, bargains rock. I once spent $50 on $150 worth of clothes. I was on a mental "high" for days. My names may sound proper and British but, I hated them when I was little. Yet, I loved the British accent (still do). Due to that one comment from my Saturday Six, Jake looked up the eighteenth sonnet. Yes, I do love to be treated like royalty sometimes, but at others, being a Pisces, I hate it. I just want to be left to fend for myself. Pisces do tend to over-embelish sometimes but, my friends love that sometimes because I go over and over again about how much I love something. The whole Jake deal: (sorry if you're reading this. my thoughts tend to go here when i'm online) He went out with Lindz (my best friend) so that would typically set him off-limits but, I asked her if she minded and she doesn't mind. Thinks it's cute. (We tend to mother each other sometimes.) So he's back on the menu. He's 6' 2". I'm 5' 1". We're very similar in some of our beliefs. Both of our parents are divorced due in part to infedility. Any comments? Leave 'em.

On an unrelated topic, someone has hacked into my stuff. My font was different, my saved e-mails are gone, everything is just messed up. Any ideas on what happened? Everything from after 8/10/04 appears to be gone. Only my bestest friend and I have the password. She didn't do anything and neither did I. (I know she didn't because I was at her house and nobody was on my screenname last night.) This is so incredibly sucky.....


This is a link to MadmanADHD's journal. If anyone can tell me how to make the link show something other than the URL, I'd really appreciate it.

random weirdness

Jake (Lindz's ex-boyfriend) likes me..... Might be going to a party at his house tomorrow night.

My dad is scaring the crap out of me......

I like dot-dot-dot's today.........

Well, I have English/Global/Voice/other school related stuff to do...........

Wish me luck..........

Monday, October 4, 2004

Saturday Six (on a Monday!)

1. Which of the following do you trust more:  a politician, a televangelist, a lawyer, a reporter, or a doctor?

2. What's the last song you liked enough thatyou actually took the time to look up the lyrics?

3. Which deceased relative would you most like to spend one more afternoon with?

4. What is your preferred brand for:  a) toothpaste, b) soap, c) shampoo, d) laundry detergent
5. What is your favorite poem?

Tara:  How did your parents select your first name? Were you named after a particular friend/relative/fictional character or did they just like the name?


Yes, it is Monday and yes, this is the SATURDAY Six. Oppsie! Well, on with my late *grins sheepishly* answers...

1) A doctor

2) Gosh, I can't recall. I think it was "Somebody's Someone" by Lonestar.

3) I really don't remember any deceased relatives so how about a deceased pet? Dallas, my Gramma's old dog

4) a) Whatever whitens my teeth the bestest (any hints?)
b) Dial-the orange stuff b/c it makes the mosquitoes not like me!
c) Currently experimenting but, I like Lindz's. Pantene Pro-V shampoo & conditioner (it's a 2-in-1), I think.
d) I don't buy it.... Dad does that...

5) Romantic that I am, I swoon if a guy reads Shakespeare's eightteenth sonnet. *sigh*

6) My first name? Umm... I think they just liked (and agreed upon) the name (Victoria) but, my middle name is for my maternal grandmother (Elizabeth). (Not for either queen!)

That's all for now. Arrivederci.

Sunday, October 3, 2004

Sunday Brunch

"A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"
-William Shakespeare

1) Have you ever ridden a horse?
2) What is your favorite horse story or movie?
3) If you had the means, would you own a horse?
4) Do you think it would be neat if we went back to everyone traveling
by horse and buggy or just an inconvenience?
5) Have you ever ridden in a hansom cab?

1) Yes, I have ridden a horse.
2) Black Beauty
3) If I could hire someone to shovel the poop, too, yeah, I would.
4) Sometimes, I think that & others, I'd hate that idea.
5) No, sadly.

It so feels like autumn here. But November, not October. I went from August to November. Where have September and October gone? Poor months.

Saturday, October 2, 2004


Yay! Jon's gonna be here in two hours and thirty some minutes! Yay! Oh, my gosh! I look like crap! I need to take a shower, brush my hair, etc. Lindz's room (I'm spending the weekend here) is littered with stuff. Should get my butt offline and clean. I don't want to but, sometimes we have to do stuff that we don't want to. Allergies suck.

Anyhow, I saw Cellular with Lindz and Suzanne last night. It was a good movie. Some parts scared the crap out of me though. Like when the gun would just all of a sudden fire. I jumped a mile. Go see it. {Author's note: Shall we Dance? was apparently a sneak preview. It comes out October 15, I believe.}

Well, I'm getting off as soon as I wrap up this convo with Liz La.

I'm now getting pestered by Lindz so, arrivederci and thanks for reading.