Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Ich leibe mein schoenes braunes Haar. (note: oe means o with an umlut over it for you German buffs)

This entry is going to be short but, I will still be doing the foreign language thing with some entries. (See the subject of this one.) The last one was incredibly difficult and for that I apologize. The correct answer (which was not given. in fact, no answer was guessed) was "I take German but think French is much prettier." It was in French. The subject of this one is in German. It's not as hard seeing as how I made it up through my own knowledge of German. Good luck!
Love always,


Anonymous said...

Sure now you tell us the last one was hard! I knew it had someting to do with German and French but that's where I got lost. OK. Now onto the latest language challenge. Hmmm.... do know anyone who speaks German? .... Not really. Off to the library I think. Toodles.

Anonymous said...

OK... OK... I think I have this one. Does it say, "I am wearing my grandmother's shoes?" Got it didn't I? It was that last word "Haar" that thru me off. But then I saw it was capitalized so I figure it must be the German name for your granmother! Pretty clever hu? This is fun.