Saturday, October 23, 2004


Yes, yes, yes. Another entry. I'm stocking up. You see, my computer is broken. I can't get online at my house so I'm using my gramma's, Lindz's, and library computers for a while. Anybody care to buy me a new one? Didn't think so. I'll just mooch off friends and the town for a while. Well, here's my Thankful Thursday (on Saturday because I didn't have my computer since Wednesday afternoon).

Thankful Thursday
I got to go to youth group three nights ago.

I have computer acsess for the weekend and a reason to get off my butt and do something!
I've got great, supportive friends (both J-Land and at my school/surrounding schools)
I've got the opprotunity to get an awesome education.
God has helped me grow spiritually recently (not much, but it's a start).
As I get older and more elgant/mature, guys are taking notice and I'm feeling more confident in my body.

I own quite a few nice things (from my bed which tends to suck but at least I have one to the room makeover that's still in the process)
I have amazing abilities in foreign languages and writing somehow.

There's a million other things that I'm thankful for also but, these are the ones that I thought of right now.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

And I'm thankful to see such a positive, honest, assessment of my friend Vickie. Yes indeed you DO have much to be thankful for. Quite and awesome individual. Have an excellent weekend.

Anonymous said...


Madman sent me over.  I like your journal.  But do you know what?  I REALLY like your "about me" section.  You have a confidence most girls your age don't and I think it's wonderful!!!  

I also admire your ability to so openly talk about your faith and your life.  Very courageous for a young lady in today's world.  Good for you.  

I will be stopping in again sometime... wish I could make it everday but you know how life is.  But expect me again soon...  

Thanks for letting me read your thoughts.
