Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm guilty! I admit it!

Scalzi is (as I've probably said before in not so many words) a creative mastermind. I love doing quizzes and tests and surveys and Twenty Questions and True or False and Journal Jar and Saturday Six and every other little thing I come across that's not "real" writing and the weekend assignment falls into that category. Now obviously these do take thoughts and some of them require a great amount of creativity. You do have to write but it's not always in depth disecct-your-feelings type writing. Now that I've praised this so highly (after all, that is how I got my first few readers!) onto this week's assignment.  

Weekend Assigment #57: Share some of your favorite Journals, Blogs and Web sites not on AOL Journals. Come on, we know you go off the school grounds from time to time. Tell us where you go. 'Cause we want to go, too. Even just one pick is fine (no more than five, though. Pick the best to share). Also, just in case this was a temptation, my site off AOL should not be one of your selections.

Okay, okay, you caught me! I don't JUST blog and I don't blog only on AOL. Most of my friends have livejournals and then there's Murph. You can find their links on the side. They're all wonderful and I highly recommend any one of them. However, because they're already publicized to some degree, I'll singing their praises for another time. You'll notice I don't have an "Other Sites" module on my main screen. That's because I don't know what sites to put in there! But I think I can come up with a few for this. Now, to go search "My Favorites" for a few of my absolute favorites.

I'm back to continue. I've got a billion links in that folder and a billion folders to organize the links. It didn't help simplify this task much though. There were links I'd never heard of in there and links in the wrong folders (Anyone care to argue that "Chocolate Passion-Chocolate in the Kitchen" belongs in the folder titled "Christianity and TLW"?) Anyhow, I've choosen my five and now, drumroll please, In no particular order, I present you with......

BarlowGirl.Net This is a website for Christian Girls that have decided to become "barlow girls". Barlow girls are, as their tagline says, "Girls commited to purity of the heart, mind, and body". There's a modesty survey that shows what guys think is modest and what is not modest. It's meant to help Christian girls pick out clothing that will not "cause our brothers in Christ to stumble". I think there's a site for guys but I can't find the link.

My second pick is A Letter to the Girls I Know written by Devin. It is also a modesty thing written mostly for Christian girls. It tells about how there are "Godly men and worldly men" and asks which type you want. It goes on to say what the difference is and such. I found it very inspirational.

For all you country fans, here's a website for you. has helped me figure out what that word is in that song a billiion times. It's easy to navigate and understand. It has lyrics and tabs for guitar players, though not for all songs.

Y'all know by know how I do a billion surveys, right? Well, when I'm bored and just want a survey to do, I go to The Forward Garden. It has forwards as the name implies but it also has surveys and such. It's a great place to waste hours and annoy friends.

Lastly, The International Movie DataBase which is where I got the quote in this entry. I typically use it for the quotes but the other areas are just as good. They have quotes from movies and television shows.

While searching my favorites, I found a link to a RED feature that lead to this poem.

'Please Stop'

Please stop telling me you love me forever,
We're only a couple of teenagers
who have a childhood crush.
Please stop saying forever,
Forever hurts my soul.
And forever makes me cry.
Please stop telling me you'll never make me cry
Because you already have.
Please stop saying you'll never hurt me,
Because I already know you will.
Please stop saying you love me forever,
Please stop saying forever,
Please stop saying you'll never make me cry,
Please stop saying you'll never hurt me,
Because love hurts,
Forever dies,
And never is a lie.

-- by Shortydawl106
  That really touched me. Good job, Shortydawl106!

Extra credit: Find a link you think your mother might like. What is it?

My mother has the internet and is fully capable of choosing her own website preferences. However, I think she might like this site. Actually, I think you might like it too! Go ahead, you know you want to!

Love always,

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Controversy? I hope not.

I don't support abortion BUT I do feel that women should have a choice. It's not up to me to say that Suzy Smith can't have an abortion. I am aware that most women regret their abortions later in life. But I feel that every experience can be used to teach something. If a women does get pregnant and decides to have an abortion and does regret it, she may learn to value life more. She will miss that child but will also value any other children she has more. If done correctly, an abortion should not damage a women's reproductive organs. She should be able to have more children. The only thing damaged is the fetus. As I said, I do not support abortion nor would I have one (unless there were certain circumstances i.e. rape or such). I do not feel that I should be allowed to tell others that they cannot have an abortion. The main argument against abortion is a religious one. There is such a thing as seperation of church and state and that means that one cannot inflict their religion on the masses. President Bush is attempting to do just that. I feel that if a child is aborted, the child's soul is "recycled", if you will. I feel that the child gets a second chance at life just as if the child is stillborn. I don't believe in reincarnation as a policy but I feel that under certain circumstances, a child is allowed a second life. I feel this happens if the child is aborted, stillborn, miscarried, or passes at an extremely young age (such as mere minutes or days old). I'm very liberal for a Christian and have been questioned many times on my beliefs. I've had conversations like this:
Isn't that a gay thing?
It's for gay rights.
Aren't you Christian?
Yes, I am.
Then howcan you support that?
I happen to be open minded.
But I digress. I happen to be open-minded. I am not the sort of Christian that everyone knows is a Christian. I am not a "typical" Christian. I don't condemn people for things that I know are sins. I may warn them depending on the sin but, why should I refuse to allow others to be themselves (with their sin) when I myself have sinned? Each sin is as bad as the next and I, for one, do not intend to be a hypocrite. The only difference between members of the GLBT(Q) community and I is that my sins are different and my Lord has paid my debt in full.  I'll leave you with a few Bible verses for thought.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." I Peter 4:8

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:31-32

Disputing myself

Just wanted to write this before I hop a shower to get the chlorine outta my hair and off my skin. Ick. In regards to the entry below, I'm not anorexic. Totally not. I might get a bit over zealous with my health kicks sometimes but I'm not anorexic. I find that when I do think about calories has increased recently and yes, I have been excercising a bit more than I used to but, ya know what? I still don't do the recommended half hour five times a week. And guess what? I'm not model thin but I don't need to be! I might have a bit of fat on my body but I'm healthy. I don't need to have washboard abs. I can have flab and still be healthy. Now, just one question, am I saying this to convince myself or do I believe it? I feel like I believe it but I think it sounds more like I'm convincing myself. Either way, I am healthy. I do not need to lose weight and I do not need to count calories.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I know this is gonna sound like I'm totally whining (very anti-FLYing) and that I'm just being a little brat but, I am upset about this. Well, upset is too strong a word. I'm irked. That works. I absolutely love turkey pot pies. I made one for my dinner. I had it balancing on one (oven-mitted) hand and was adjusting the cookie sheet with the other. Now, I can do this easily. But today, it slipped out of my hand and fell (right-side up) on the kitchen floor. Half of it spilled out and I nearly cried. :( But I'm not PMS and thus, I didn't. Emotional I am but not THAT emotional. So I'm peeved because I only got to eat half of what I wanted in one of my favorite (easy) dinners.   :( I'll get over it. Guess I'd better go search the leftovers. Just thought y'all would like to know this. Oh, and I've decided that I'm WAY too concerned about calories and healthiness these days. I'd like to go back to the way I was, thank you very much. I may not eat as healthy as I could and I don't excercise as much as possible but I surely don't need the makings of anorexia running around in my head. I am a healthy, teenage girl. I can afford to eat a pot pie for dinner and junk food for lunch. I should excercise more but NOT because I'm stressing about my figure. I should be excercising more so I can be healthy and have less cramps and feel good about myself (because of all those endorphins). I'm trying to ward off anorexia. I fear that if I don't watch these thoughts, I may wind up not eating or excercising too much. I also feel that I'm too strong, too smart to start that. I want to just go back to how I was two or three weeks ago. How did this all come up so fast? How do I keep what I fear more than (almost) anything from happening? This feels harder to ward off than cutting. That I could find a way to ward off. This is more mental than physical. Mental is harder for me to ward off than physical. Any of you got suggestions? Better go do my homework and ponder these thoughts. Chips and dip anyone? One of my favorite snacks. We've got the makings of it & have had them for the past two weeks but I haven't even eaten one. I know that I'll eat too many and feel fat and I didn't want to have that guilt hanging over my head from eating way too many (fattening) chips. Ugh. Something is seriously wrong with my mental state. Must do research on this. See if there's a way to avoid this.

Forever and for always,

P.S. I really feel like deleting this entry but I don't make a habit of doing that. It's only five minutes later. I'm going to go be "bad" (must STOP thinking of it that way) and eat some of those "fattening" foods. I'm perfectly healthy. Hell, if I am 5' 2" like I say I am, I'm considered underweight. If I am the 5' 1" or 5' 0" that I'm closer to, than I'm perfectly healthy. (This is according to my BMI.)

38 questions

1) Name the Last Four Things You Bought:
Lunch, a cookiewich (ice cream sandwich w/cookies instead of those thingies), a tank top, and Playboy Bunny flip-flops

2) Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink : Chocolate milk, water, pop, tea

3) Last Time You Cried? Saturday or Sunday night

4) What’s In Your CD Player? Keith Urban

5) What’s Under Your Bed?  Not much. Some dust, clothes that are "retired" but I can't give up, & some other stuffs

6) What Time Did You Wake Up Today?  First at 5:50 then again at 6 then at 6:10.

7) Current Hair?  Down and irratitating

8) Current Clothes? Old Navy Jeans, Pooh "Cutie" T-shirt, Aero hoodie, socks, old awful sneakers (that need to be replaced

9) Current Desktop Picture? "Gold Petals" It's an orange/gold flower

10) Current Worry?   If I'll get my essay done and my English grade up (I need, like, a 90 to stay in the course)

11) Current Hate? The way guys are being idiots lately

12) Favorite Places To Be?  the pond, lindz's, mom's

13) Least Favorite Place? Here with Dad

14) If You Could Play An Instrument? Piano (Can play OK)

15) Favorite Color(s)? Purple, black, red

16) How Tall Are You? Somewhere between 5' and 5' 2"

17) Favorite expression? "

18) One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Talk To: uhhh.... Gumpy. If you're reading this, I still miss you but, guess what? I've already dealt with not saying good-bye to you and that you broke the last promise you made to me. I still have the Barbie ornament and the Cinderella book though.

19) Favorite Day(s)?  Fridays that include Starbucks/Hots and/or Mom's and Saturdays (esp. at Mom's b/c I get the whole day at Mom's and I get to see Samantha for the first time in two weeks)

20) Where Would You Like To Go? A billion places

21) Where do you want to live when you get married? Wherever so long as I'm with my true love

22) Favorite food?  Umm.... depends on my mood

23) Color of most clothes you own:
black, denim, white

24) Number of pillows you sleep with?  depends on the thickness of the pillows. Two normal and one thick throw lately

25) What do you wear when you go to sleep: Depends on my mood. Everything from a negligee to oversized T-shirts to lounge pants to nada

26) What were you doing 12AM last night: Trying to sleep or asleep

27) How old will you be in 10 years: In ten years, I'll be 25.

28) What do you think you’ll be doing in 10 years:
Graduate of college, married or in a serious relationship

29) Do you have braces?
not anymore

30) Are you paranoid?

31) Do you burn or tan? 
I burn then after it peels I have a light tan. I never have a good tan though cuz I don't spend time outside much

32) What is the brand of your wallet? 
No wallet.

33) First piercing/tattoo?  My ears.

34) First enemy? Ashley something or other in kindergarten because she was bossing me around

35) Last person you yelled at? Dan for being an f-ing coward

36) Last crush?  
Tom Brady

37) Last thing you ate? 
 Uhh... a peanut butter egg

38) The last time you had sex it was...? In m
y last life! Ha.

Thanks for the time wasting, Promise!

Love always,

I'm thankful for....

I got this idea from Dawn  (at Everything Under the Sun). It's one-hundred things I'm thankful for, in no particular order. Took me a while but now that it's done, I thought I'd share it with you! Can you think of 100 things you're thankful for? The black is the list as written and the pink are comments I added as I'm typing it up.

1. God
2. Lindz
3. My beliefs (every damn one)
4. Rach
5. I know Jack and Sayid'll life my mood with just one call of "SAWYER!"
6. Spring Break next week (well, now last week)
-Nine days of relative freedom
7. library fines are paid off and I can get books
8. Sayid
9. Jack
10. Kate (as in Kate Kate)

11. Chris
12. Nicknames (Sawyer, Jack, Sayid, Kate, Tinkerbell, doll, chicky, etc.)
13. Music
(like the Switchfoot-Beautiful Letdown CD I'm now listening to)
14. JLand (savior of my sanity!)
15. Lurkers (thank y'all!)
16. Samantha
(who'll be two tomorrow!)
17. Mom
18. Ray
19. Liz
20. Cell phones that allow contact during school
(like the texts I sent yesterday)

21. uniqueness
22. My mind will return eventually :) Temporary insanity
(Why did I write that one the same line? Oh well.)
23. Juvienile pranks
(what was I referring to there?)
24. The skills of writing, reading, and typing
25. Only one period until I am known by Sawyer and not Vickey
26. Sunlight
27. Smokey's life
28. Dutchess' time with us
29. Tiger, Chyna, Orange Kitty
(and all the other pets I've had along the way!)
30. The kittens (still unborn when hand-written but now born see pictures below

31. "hand-me-downs" like this sweater, shirt, and jeans
32. Jake
33. Ali
34. Good movies
35. Bubble baths
36. Spiffer pens (nail file + cuticle pusher + nail cleaner + pen)
37. Soda
38. "fantasy" worlds
(including those in books)
39. soft beds
40. roof over my head

41. shopping with friends
42. Tom Brady
43. hot tubs
44. book stores
45. laughter
46. clean, soft sheets
47. purple fuzz (!!!!)
48. chocolate
49. Brilliant Brunette shampoo and conditioner
50. Skin So Soft bath oil spray
(from Avon)

51. Dial soap (so the mosquitoes don't bite me as much)
52. The feel of freshly shaved legs
53. Dreams/Hopes/Fantasies
54. Reality (no matter how much it can suck)
55. Second chances
56. The way Samantha talks
57. Homemade ice cream
58. clothing that makes Dad POed
(aka Daisy Dukes, Playboy Bunny flip-flops, etc.)
59. late nights
60. the occasional early morning

61. inside jokes
62. decluttered places (like the bookshelf in the basement)
63. good timing
64. glamour
65. Pizza Hut/Aric hehe ^_^
(Aric is to funny as Tom Brady is to sexy!)
66. Being able to laugh at past mistakes
67. Murph
68. How Lindz's parents go along with our stories and cover for us and such
69. silence -true, pure, crystal
70. feeling confident in a bathing suit

71. cram sessions like lunch the day of a global spiral check
72. parties
73. goofing off with friends
74. realizing that just because he means nothing to me, he means the world to her and thus, he must mean something to me
(and so must 23 and 25)

75. staying up late with a good book
76. trashy romance novels
77. candlelight
78. rainfall
79. small bedside lamps
80. (good) stand-up comedy

81. nail polish
82. being the oldest
83. having options
84. debates
85. Colleen
86. matching "silk" PJ's
87. a good (sexy) bra
88. The killers (latest musical discovery... Thanks, Rach!)
89. knowing I can function for a day or two on, like, zero sleep
90. mindless activities like this

91. My hair is all up in a ponytail. Has been for five minutes. Nothing has fallen out.
92. The promise of tomorrow
93. Feeling cute/attractive/beautiful/sexy/gorgeous/wanted/loved
94. nostalgia
95. FLYlady
96. leftovers
97. unexpected gifts
98. wanting a kiss depseratly (even if you don't get it but mostly when you do)
99. Lindz pointing out a duplicate (I had written nail polish twice.... hmmmm)
100. knowing I'm done with this list

Love always,

Monday, April 25, 2005

Dawn's Twenty Questions

1. What's one beauty or fashion secret you think everyone should know? It is never,ever acceptable to wear socks and sandels.  Eww!! <I agree!

2. What's your favorite holiday? Every day is a holiday! hehe

3. Name one food you wish you could still find in your grocery store?  I don't know?

4. Have you ever done something you were afraid to try? I tried sushi, I did the zip line at school. A lot of the best experiences I've had are because I was at least a little afraid.

5. What would you say is your best personality trait? My compassion.

6. Whose birthday party did you most recently attend? I don't even know! Musta been Joey's... Sunday I'm going to Samantha's second birthday party!

7. What is your favorite dessert? Just one? Gosh, I can't choose. Chocolate covered strawberries are pretty darn high up there.

8. If you invite any fellow blogger over to your house for dinner who would it be? Ummm.... I can't choose just one! You're all amazing! I'm with Dawn. Dinner party. Only instead I'd order out!

9. You're invited to a party that requires you make something. What do you bring? Last time I had to do this, I made Ambrosia Fruit Salad. Typically, I make chocolate chip cookies.

10. Do you ever borrow topics from other people's blogs? Umm.... sometimes. Hope y'all don't mind!

11. When do you do your grocery shopping? I don't!

12. What was your favorite childhood book? Loved Puss in Boots for one reason: It was the first book I ever read. There's a million books I loved. I've been reading since I was three.

13. Have you ever tried to learn to play a musical instrument? The piano. Then my teacher moved away and I quit. :(

14. What do you consider the best descion you've ever made? Not sure.

15. Who would you say has been the biggest influence on you? Everyone around me but I'd have to say my parents. Sometimes a positive influence, sometimes a negative one but the biggest one nonetheless.

16. What's the funniest you've ever named a pet? Well, how funny are these names: Smokey, Tiger, Chyna, Dutchess, Pyrite, Goldie, Sneakers, Orange Kitty, Sophie, and Shadow?

17. What do you watch on tv before you go to bed? Depends on the night

18. If you could visit one historical landmark which one would it be? Ummm.... the Sistine Chapel (sp?)

19. Whose your favorite relative to talk to? My auntie Lori! hehe Actually, prolly Samantha because she's so adorable and at this point in her life she can't repeat my secrets.

20. What are some of your favorite comfort foods? Chocolate, ice cream, pot pies, and a billion other things!

Love always,


I honestly can't recall the last time I took a nap. So here's how my day went.....

Woke up way too early (an entire entry written this morning).

Got ready and got to school.

School blah.

Got home. Typed up some entries (see below).

Chiro appointment. Nearly fell asleep on the way back.

Got home. Laid down on couch. Fell asleep. Woke up 20 minutes ago starving.

Chicken Pot Pie in oven. Yummy. But for the next twenty minutes, I'm SOL.


So that's my day. Now for the entries I typed up....

It's 9:30 on April 23, 2005. Liz called. I love Liz. I miss Liz. Even if we're just talking about stuff that totally won't matter a week from now, I love talking to her. OMG I've missed talking to her. I've missed just hanging with her. I can't believe it's been nearly a year since she moved. She moved last August. I can't believe it. Gosh. I go through phases of missing her and not missing her as much. This is a not so missing her as much phase. Goodness! I am totally going to RI this summer.


It's not quite 6am yet. I'm awake with zero chance of falling back asleep. Damn. I slept terribly but I'm not very tired. I shut the lights off around eleven or so and didn't fall asleep until probably twelve or so. I woke up in the middle of the night and it took twenty minutes to fall back to sleep. Then I woke up BEFORE my alarm. I can't believe that. I woke up about five minutes before my alarm clock. I have never once in my life woken before my alarm especially on the first day back from vacation.
The reason I'm sitting here typing this instead of getting ready is because all my stuff (toothbrush, toothpaste, contacts, glasses, etc.) is in the bathroom and Dad's in the shower. I think he just got out so I'm going to go get my vision back and brush my teeth. I'm even eating breakfast this morning. I'm having toast with peanut butter , a banana, and a cup of peppermint tea. Yummy!

That's all for now. More to come!

Love always,

Finally, your interview questions, y'all!

I totally know these are later than they should be but, guess what? If you volunteered to be interviewed, here are your five questions. And if you like a question I asked someone else, feel free to answer that as well. Make sure you post the rules in your entry! Oh, and keep in mind, I wrote these questions in second period while lacking sleep. So if something doesn't quite make sense, please ask me and I'll clarify.

For Dawn:

1. You've said that you're Catholic. Is there anything you disagree with the Roman Catholic Church on?

2. You're guarenteed a spot in whatever law school you want to go to and you get a full scholarship. You don't have to pay a dim. After you graduate, you are guarenteed a great job in a prestigious law firm or as DA or whathaveyou in whatever city you wish. Taking this deal means that you'll only see Austin and the rest of your family every couple of months or so. Do you take it?

3. You create a lot of activities in addition to your daily entries (True or False, Twenty Questions, etc.). How do you find the time, energy, and creativity to create all of these as well as raise Austin and all your other tasks?

4. You can learn one thing and be a master at it in your sleep. What do you choose?

5. Is there anything you miss from your past?

For B:

1. If you could have had Pey later in your life and be guarenteed the same child (same DNA, etc.), would you and why?

2. You've mentioned that you don't get along very well with your mother. Do you want a better relationship with her?

3. What is the one thing you would wish for (material or not) if given the chance?

4. What do you fear the most? Is there a reason? (Ex. If you fear dogs, were you attacked by one?)

5. Congratulations! You've won a trip to anywhere in the world, all expenses paid. They'll take you as many places as you want to go and you can spend as long as you want there. Where do you go?

For Sara:

1. How do you remember your childhood? What is your most vivid childhood memory?

2. If you could be any animal, plant, or other object (basically, anything other than you), who/what would you be and why?

3. Congratulations! You've won a $5000 shopping spree anywhere you want! Where do you go?

4. What is the most significant date for you? Why?

5. Do you have any special traits/abilities/etc.? Other than being the wonderful Sara that you are, of course.

For Promise:

1. Who is your oldest friend? Is s/he your best friend? Do they know you the best?

2. What is your biggest regret? What is one thing you will never regret?

3. Here you go. This pill will make you 100% healthy (no colds, no allergies, no diseases of any sort) but you'll never truly be happy. Do you take the pill?

4. What were your best and worst subjects in school? Either grade-wise or what you liked best.

5. What/who/when do you miss the most? Why (if you know)?

So go to your journals, answer, come back here and leave a link! I look forward to your answers!

Love always,


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Bye-bye til tomorrow afternoon!

So I've only got a little bit of time to write but, guess what? I'm caught up! Mostly. I've got a ton of entries in one journal that I've got to catch up on but haven't because they're long. I'll work on those starting tomorrow. Amazing guy too. I feel really bad that I haven't read his writing in a while. :( I swear, sug, I'll be there SOON! Oh, and now that I'm all caught up, I'm going away this weekend. So Friday around eight I'm going to Mom's and I'll be back some time on Sunday. So I'll have to catch up AGAIN! *sigh* It's a never ending cycle. And y'all seem to write so much more when I'm gone too. Time to go do homework that's due tomorrow. :-[ Hope y'all are having fun. Oh, and I'm going to start backing up my entries somewhere. Prolly at Xanga or LiveJournal. But I WILL continue this journal for as long as I can (aka until my dad gets rid of AOL). That'll just be a back-up in case AOL decides to delete my journal on a whim. *pouts* Okay, time to FLY!

Love always,

Saturday Six (a day late and from a new location)

Patrick (of Patrick's Place and Patrick's Place2) is conducting an experiment this week. He's created a Blogspot J and the Saturday Six is over there this week! But, I'm still participating. My one concern about this is that I won't remember to check it!

1. If you could ask any question of the head honcho of AOL about the recent journal concerns, what would your question be? If you delete my journal and I kill myself, will you pay for my funeral? JK. Is there any foolproof way to make sure a journal can be revived when some idiot makes a mistake such as this?

2. How many journals do you visit regularly in an average week...or...if you use a blog aggregator service like "Bloglines," how many journals do you have in your subscription lists? It depends on who writes what in a week. At the moment, I have 30 journal alerts, 4 comment alerts, and one other alert (that tells me about the new top five editor's picks).

3. Back in July,
I asked which of the Seven Deadly Sins (pride, envy, gluttony, anger, greed, sloth, and lust,) you were most guilty of. Now, it's time to pat yourselves on the back and figure out which one you are the least guilty of. Well, I'm most guilty of anger, probably. I'm probably least guilty of lust.

4. Recent reports indicate that some pharmacists are refusing to sell their customers the controversial "morning-after pill" when the customer prevents their prescription. Should pharmacists be allowed to refuse to sell a medication for which a customer presents a valid prescription based on their own religious beliefs? No. They should not have choosen that profession if they cannot do it abjectivly. If the President cannot keep from mixing his beliefs with his politics, he should step down.

5. Take
this personality test: What type of personality does it say you are? Then go back to this page, click the link that matches your results. Read the description: how accurate do you think it is about you? I am an ISFJ. That means a lot! Holy crap is this long.  And although they're hurt by being treated like doormats, they are often unwilling to toot their own horns about their accomplishments because they feel that although they deserve more credit than they're getting, it's somehow wrong to want any sort of reward for doing work (which is supposed to be a virtue in itself). (And as low-profile Is, their actions don't call attention to themselves as with charismatic Es.) Because of all of this, ISFJs are often overworked, and as a result may suffer from psychosomatic illnesses. <Totally true. Like most Is, ISFJs have a few, close friends. They are extremely loyal to these, and are ready to provide emotional and practical support at a moment's notice. (However, like most Fs they hate confrontation; if you get into a fight, don't expect them to jump in after you. You can count on them, however, run and get the nearest authority figure.) Unlike with EPs, the older the friendship is, the more an ISFJ will value it. One ISFJ trait that is easily misunderstood by those who haven't known them long is that they are often unable to either hide or articulate any distress they may be feeling. For instance, an ISFJ child may be reproved for "sulking," the actual cause of which is a combination of physical illness plus misguided "good manners." An adult ISFJ may drive a (later ashamed) friend or SO into a fit of temper over the ISFJ's unexplained moodiness, only afterwards to explain about a death in the family they "didn't want to burden anyone with." Those close to ISFJs should learn to watch for the warning signs in these situations and take the initiative themselves to uncover the problem. <Again, so true.

SpringsNymph: You've received an unexpected windfall of $50,000. What home improvement would you spend it on? A new house! LOL If I still live with Dad when I get it, I want a new house. If I live with Mom, I want an addition (including a bedroom that's not an attic for me though for now, that definitly works).

Oh my gosh. This little kid just came to the back door and wanted to walk the dogs. He was wearing a Hulk custume (how the hell do you spell that word?). Cute. We have no dogs. No pets. The fish died. :( Oh well.


No One'll Ever Love Me Like That Again

Rebecca Lynn Howard-No One'll Ever Love Me Like That Again

1st Verse

You taught me how to whistle
And how to tie my shoes
And how to talk to Jesus
In the darkness of my room
You held my hand when I got stitches
When one of Tommy Tyler's pitches
Hit my face
One time I stole from your purse
Then I lied and made it worse
But you loved me anyway

1st Chorus

Growing up
I remember your amazing grace
I still feel your arms around me now and then
I miss you wavin' from the front door
I can't drive by there anymore
'Cause no one'll ever love me
Like that again

2nd Verse

You sent me all those letters
When I went off to school
I should've written you back
But I was too busy being cool
Funny how I couldn't wait
To get you on the phone to say
Mom, I'm in love
You were there whether or not
I gave a little or a lot
It was enough

2nd Chorus

I can still hear you sayin'
You're proud of me
And I remember thinkin' of you as my friend
I miss you wavin' from the front door
I can't drive by there anymore
'Cause no one'll ever love me
Like that again


I guess I miss you more today
'Cause it's your birthday
And I couldn't bear for you to spend it here alone
Wish I could say this to your face
Instead of talkin' to your name carved in stone

Tag Chorus

I can still hear you sayin'
You're proud of me
And I can feel your arms around me now and then
There's a hole in my heart
In the shape of you, Mom
'Cause no one'll ever love me
No one'll ever love me
Like that again


I heard this song minutes after Mom telling me that she didn't have cancer. It made me cry. That moment is what I will always remember when I hear this song, not the first time I heard it. I tried to find audio or video but AOL doesn't have it and I can't even find it through a Google search.

Vickey @~>

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Stuffs :)

Allow me to admit a few things to y'all.

1.) I'm depressed today. No reason for it. Gonna try to find some stand-up comedy on Comedy Central. Or I could call Aric (pronounced Eric). Man is that guy funny!

2.) I'm way behind on journal entries. I'm JUST getting to Thursday and I will not get through them tonight. I will work on them tomorrow as well though.

3.) I'm still in my pajamas and glasses. Wonder how awful I look. At least I brushed my teeth.

4.) I've got a ton of homework to do by Monday.

5.) I think I might keep the black kitty. But I don't know yet.

6.) I've spent all week with Lindz and don't hate her yet. When she left earlier (around 1:30 or so), it felt so final. Like Spring Break is over.

7.) By the way, I'm on Spring Break from Friday the 18th until Monday the 25th at 7:30 (when school starts).

8.) I borrowed my dad's credit card (with permission) to buy something for a friend today off the internet. I'd tell you who and what but, they've got my URL. I'll let you know when they get their prize.

9.) I really want a new name for this journal. "Victoria's Journal" is just so plain to me but I have no idea what to call it. Y'all have such creative names for your blogs!

10.) If my journal gets wiped out by anything, I will die. Honestly. I've had this journal for nearly a year and it's my heart and soul. I'd DIE if anything happened to it. I am SO sorry that it's happened to Armand (though I've never read his journal).

11.) I'm such a country girl at heart. You will never get the country outta this chick. Never ever.

12.) My party was decent and Colleen was all over me! LOL I LOVE YOU, COLLEEN! No but, seriously, she just had her arm around my shoulder and her hand on my thigh and such. Just joking around type stuff. And Lindz and Ali were the same way. Jake was kinda disgusted which is totally not the reaction I'd expect. After Colleen left (and we missed her), we watched The Forgotten ("review" to come) and I nearly shot Lindz and Ali. But that's in another entry. This point is already too long.

13.) My sister nearly killed the runt of the litter today. Unintentionally and totally not her fault but yikes! She had the kitten by it's throat and shook it up and down then threw it! The kitten is 100% fine. Just a bit shaken up.

14.) Speaking of Samantha, she'll be two on Wednesday and she's having a "t" (train) on her cake. Her party is on Sunday.

15.) Because I hate the number thirteen in numerical form and cannot have thirteen points on a list, I skipped from 12 to 14 then went back and changed it after I wrote what was actually the fourteenth point.

16.) I am such a dork. Whenever I give lists, I ALWAYS have three items. Like, "I'm totally not doing that. A) My feet hurt. B) The ground is SOAKED. And C) Ew" or whatever.

17.) I'm still working on my list of 100 things to be thankful for. I got the idea from Dawn a few weeks ago and I'm nearly done. I've got about 70 written down.

18.) Your interviews WILL be coming soon! I totally promise! I forgot about them for a while but I've remembered and will work on them when I get offline (in my binder on *gasp* looseleaf with a pen).

19.) I'm going to be "early" tonight due to a) depression (maybe I can sleep through it), b) trying to get back on track, and c) because I can. Early for me means before 2AM these days though.

20.) I had KY Jelly in my hair last night. Lindz made a comment and I tried to attack her with it. It got on my hair, arm, shirt, and on the wall, door, and her! It was everywhere and that stuff leaves a film of lube until you use a towel to get it off. (As in just water won't work.) My hair still looks dirty (cuz I haven't showered yet).

21.) I should stop this admitting and go read your journals before I get kicked off!


Love y'all. I'll write more later. :) Oh, and I'm only sorta depressed. If I were to get dressed and showered, it would be gone. Oh dear. If TV sucks tonight, I'm gonna be in another "so bored I'll slit my wrists just to have something to do" mood. Darn. Those suck. Not that I would. I'll just be racking up Dad's phone bill and calling all my friends. Liz? Tori? Ali? Lindz? Everyone? hehehe ^_^ Going to splash face w/water and wake my arse up!


Kitten Pictures!

If y'all go back to past entries and you can't see the photos, there's a reason for that. I just basically cleared my FTP space. I figure that I can determine which photos it is that belong there and that I've got 'em in my folder on the computer and this journal is for me not for y'all (though y'all make the ride MUCH funner!). So here are kitty pictures!



Aren't they so cute!? I can't wait to see them! :o)

Friday, April 22, 2005

News and Twenty Questions

So if it'll let me do it the way I want to, you should see pictures of the kitties! If not, I'm kinda screwed because I've filled my FTP space and don't have another screenname that I can get to. If only I hadn't deleted Cutekittygirl678. :( Darn it. It won't work. If you want to see pictures of the kitties, I guess you'll have to e-mail me (or leave a comment) and request them and then I can e-mail them to y'all. Well, yeah. The kitties have been born today! They look adorable but I can't wait to see them.

Twenty Questions

1. If Hillary Clinton ran for president would you vote for her? I don't have a clue.

2. What's one tv show you have started watching from the new tv season? Haven't really but I catch an episode of LOST every now and then (Sawyer speaking.)

3. Did you have a band you hated as a kid but love now? I don't know.

4. What color do you feel looks best on you? I think black, pink, and white look good on me. I've been told that pink, black, and red do.

5. Is there anything you disagreed with the Pope about? I don't know what he believed.

6. What color are your bedroom walls? Aquamarine with teal diamonds. I should have stuck with the purple.

7. Did you have a nickname in highschool? Oh, goodness. I'm in high school now and I've got so many! Sawyer, Four by Four, a billion of 'em.

8. If you could drive any kind of car what kind would you want? A 1966 red convertible corvette, baby!

9. What was your favorite arcade game? Ummm.... Ms. PacMan

10. How do you feel about Brittney Spears' announcing her pregnancey? Just pick a nice name, Ms. Spears.

11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 25, engaged to the love of my life, college graduate, in a job I love, planning my wedding

12. If you could get one snack,right now,what would you want? Ummm... nicolettes?

13. How doy feel about phramasists refusing to fill prescriptions for birthcontrol pills? It's not their perogative just as it is not the President's perogative to deny women the right to choose. He should not be inflicting HIS religion on the masses.

14. What do you consider to be the greatest thing you've ever done? Being a big sister and best friend

15. What's the coolest animal you've ever seen up close? Umm... not sure

16. If you were given a millon dollars what would be the first thing you'd buy yourself? A decent house

17. If you were left on an island what would you want to bring with you? Sunblock, summer-y clothes, books, CD's, CD player

18. What's one thing you want to do before you're too old,married or have children? Well, it doesn't influence anything if I'm married or have children (but that might hinder some things for a couple years). I want to bungee jump, sky dive, scuba dive, snorkel, and do a million other things.

19. Where the last place you went on vacation? Does a one night trip to Syracuse count as a vacation? If not, Loon Lake.

20. Where do you wish you could go on the perfect vacation? Not quite sure. Europe would be nice but I'd like a tropical island too. I guess it would have to be an around the world kinda thing.

Love always,

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Guess what?!

May I just say this? THANK GOD! She's all right! She's going to be okay! It's not a tumor. I was so scared and I just didn't want to think about what would happen if it was malignant and if chemo didn't work. But she's okay. Has to have a hysterectomy but she's okay! My prayers were answered and my worries relieved. Thank God. She's gonna be fine. :)

I am well aware that none of you have any idea what I'm talking about. So I'll fill you in. Well, vaguely. My mom's been having some problems and her doctor told her she had an iron defiecency (sp?) and a tumor. She had an ultrasound on Monday but they didn't find anything. She had another exam today and she was told that she doesn't have a tumor. Her abdominal muscles have attachted to her uterus somehow and if she falls down the stairs or something she could tear it and bleed internally and die. So she has to have a hysterectomy next month. So if you could, keep her in your prayers/vibe sendings.

Love and prayers,


(Darn it. My FTP is full. Now I'm screwed! Yippee! ::sarcasm::)

4/17's Sunday Brunch

Hey, all you lovely people out there. I'm back from Syracuse. I'm at Dad's for a couple hours in complete solitude and peace. Not silence though. The clock is ticking. So here's the Sunday (4/17) Brunch.

"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast." -Oscar Wilde

1) Do you eat breakfast on a regular basis and why or why not?
No because I lack the time. No, actually, I have the time. I sleep too late to get breakfast every day.

2) What is your typical everyday breakfast?
Nada. When I do eat breakfast, it's typically toast or something else easy.

3) How do you eat your eggs?
I always say "popable but not runny". It's either over easy or sunny side up but I can never remember which it is.

4) What is your favorite restaurant to eat breakfast out at?
Friendly's or Perkins.

5) Describe your perfect breakfast in detail.
Depends on the day. Typically, pancakes, corned beef hash, eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, and coffee.


Off to stress about my party. Guest list just got challenging.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Saturday Six

Now that I am sufficently embarrassed about my last entry......... Today's been great but I don't have time to write. Before I go to bed, the Saturday Six.

1. If you played last week, did you actually go back to the very first edition of the "Saturday Six" to see what the first set of questions really were?  Were you surprised at the answer? Yes. No.

2. When you signed on to AOL today, how many new E-mails were in your Inbox?  How many were in your Spam Folder? Not sure. Somewhere in the 100 range. Zero spam.

3. If there was one childhood friend from your youth that you could meet today to find out what happened to them, who would it be and why? Ummm... Summer because she moved without telling me and I miss her sometimes.

4. How much weight would you like to gain or lose?  Whose body would you most like your own to resemble? It's not the number on the scale I don't like. It's the way it's arranged. I'd like to have a stomach like Jessica Alba but that's way impossible.

5. What is the last CD or cassette you listened to in your car? Not my car but Mom's truck. An RPM, I think.

6. RAPID FIRE QUESTION #1:  "The last time."  When is the last time you:
a. ...Lied to someone you care about? Not long enough ago.
b. ...Were tempted to reveal a secret that no one else knows? Friday.
c. ...Payed a bill online? N/A
d. ...Saw a movie trailer that made you want to see the movie it advertised? Yesterday (Red Eye)
e. ...Took an aspirin or pain reliever? A few days ago
f. ...Hung up on someone? A couple weeks ago
g. ...Turned down an invitation to a party? Not for a LONG time
h. ...Filled your car's gas tank? N/A
i. ...Had an unexpected knock on your door? Ummm.... not since last year
j. ...Ate a meal that left you absolutely stuffed? A couple weeks?


So that wasn't very hard but, yeah. I'm off to go sleep. Going to Syracuse with Lindsay and her dad tomorrow to shop my arse off! Shop 'Til You Drop

Love always,

Monday, April 18, 2005

Please excuse my french.

Damn him forever. I'm home and I'm fine and my father sucks. So I'm having a party on Friday. My freaking father just informed me that my f***ing brother is going to be up and down-f***ing-stairs for my party. NO. MY PARTY. Not his. I wasn't even f***ing told this until today. Damn him, damn him forever. Grrr. My party. Not his. They are to be out of my fucking way and nowhere near my party at all for the entire damn night. Fuck this and fuck him. Grrr. Going to the movies. I'll be on tomorrow and I'll write then. Grrrrr. Just fucking grrrrr. And Gail just fucking got here. Life sucks. Let's hope that the damn movie doesn't. We're going to see The Ring Two. Just grrrr and fuck this.


Thursday, April 14, 2005


Vickey’s Test thing… I got the highest score! 13/15, 86%

1.      I just finished reading Carrie by Stephen King.  False. I've never  read a single book by Stephen King. 

My answer… False, Correct! Yeah you read a lot… but yeah not your taste

2.      When I was 12, I fell in the driveway and had to be carried up the stairs to the kitchen for medical treatment (from my parents).   False but based on a true event. When I was five, I was pushed and skinned my knee and had to be carried to the kitchen for medical treatment

My answer… True, Incorrect! I almost put false, sigh

3.      My favorite author is Muriel Sparks.   False. Nicholas Sparks

My answer… False, Correct! You only talk about him every other min.

4.      I sing soprano in my high school select choir.  False. I sing alto in my high school choir (not select).

My answer… False, Correct! Duh I used to be in Choir with you! And not select

5.      Some of my closest friends have attempted suicide.  Sadly, true

My answer… True, Correct! Ummm quietly raises hand…

6.      I've thought about jumping off buildings or roofs or whatnot but not in an attempt to kill myself.   True. There's apparently some confusion about this question. I don't mean free-falling or bungee-jumping or base jumping. I mean I'll be standing at the edge of a roof or a tall building or staircase and want to hurl myself off it. Lindz is the only one I've met that I've mentioned this to and she knows exactly what I mean. It's mentioned in The Bean Trees as well

My answer… True, Correct! Well seeing as I’m apart of this one I would hope I know the answer… and it was my “roof” that Vickey first said this on

7.      I've never left New Jersey.   False. I live in New York

My answer… False, Correct! Ummm seeing as you like live with me I think I would know this one…

8.      My first crush was in the second grade to a boy named Nick.  True.

My answer… False, Incorrect! Well I know a lot… just not everything?

9.      My first best friend's name was Michelle.   True but I had to ask my mom to make sure! lol

My answer… True, Correct! Well I figured, but I do know her current best friend… ME!!!

10.  I love fire and flames and will burn paper just to watch the flames.   True though I haven't burnt paper in a while. Typically when I do burn paper, it has a significance like a poem I wrote or something

My answer… True, Correct! Yeah ummm I have seen you do it and I have also seen your can! Oh and I don’t know if this is true but I started doing it first (well I know that) but I think you started that after I did it, because you got the idea from me? I don’t know

11.  I've been in the snow. Barefoot.   Brrrrrrr... True

My answer… True, Correct! I was with you!

12.  I'm one of the most popular kids at my school.   Totally false!

My answer… False, Correct! I love you to death but I go to school with you… but you are one of the most popular kids at school in my book!

13. I totally and completely hate that number. In fact, it petrifies me.   5/13/05 is gonna be hell!   True. I'm superstitious and I hate the number thirteen but only in numerical form

My answer… True, Correct! lol I remember when you were peeved when your bed what facing the wrong way because of something you read in some book!

14.  I've only recently come to terms with my first and middle name.   True. I was going to change my name 50 billion times. Hope was my favorite out of my fake names. And now the name Esperanza (Spanish for hope) is haunting me

My answer… True, Correct! HAHA Mr. Steward’s math class!!! LOL

15.  I had braces for three years (from the end of fifth grade to the end of eighth grade) and this is my first full school year in this town without them. False. I had braces for about eighteen months from seventh grade to eighth

My answer… False, Correct! I was so mad at you when you got yours off before me! That I made you and Liz talk with your hands in front of your mouth! HAHA

 HEHEHEHEH just thought i would randomly create an entry! so hahaha and its also got my answer to vickeys quiz and random comments heh


April 8

I'm at my aunt's house. Kirsten, her husband, and their kids are here. Her daughter will be two in June and she's so cute! Oh, God. Loudness! Kids here right now: McKenzie (2), Max (4), Nikki (7), Jason (10), Joey (11), and me. Rich shaved his head. (He's Aunt Donna's live-in boyfriend and distant cousin. Ew.) Kirsten's husband, Todd (?) and I had a very interesting conversation about conspiracy therories and such. He just acused me of writing a love letter. Of course, a love letter to April eighth.

April 9

I never did finish that. Oh, well. I slept for 15 hours. Til about 4pm. Apparently, Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood is a tearjerker. And according to Lindsay, I'm in love with Jake. Unfortunatly for me, she tends to know me better than I do. She knew I liked Jon before I did, knew about Kevin (EW!). She knows me better than I do but I hope she's wrong. Well, I'm gonna hit the lights, finish this movie, and try to make my side not hurt. :)

Love always,

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Saturday Six (man am I behind!)

1. Where did you buy the last fast food you ate? Taco Bell

2. What was the last movie you watched in a theater? Guess Who

3. When you walk into a room, what do you think people notice first about you?  What do you wish they'd notice first about you? I think they notice how unsure I typically look. I always look around and try to find someone I know and if I can't, I get really self-conscious. I wish they'd notice the confidence I hope to exude.

4. You win a special lottery but you aren't allowed to keep any of the money.  Instead, it must go to a single charitable organization.  Which would you choose and why? I'd choose the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

5. What was the subject of the most recent E-mail you forwarded? I try not to forward e-mails.

6. Without looking, which of the previous five questions would you most expect to have been asked in the very first episode of the "Saturday Six?"  After you answer, if you go back to the first edition, don't reveal the answer here. Question four.

20 Questions

1. What 3 cd's do you think are the best to put on for a romantic evening?  Firstly, not having any experience in romantic evenings of any sort, this is what I put on when I feel like all I want is to become one of the women in a Sparks (Nicholas, not Muriel) novel. 1. Norah Jones-Come Away With Me   2. Jewel- Pieces of You  3. Norah Jones- whatever the heck her newer one is though I don't own it

2. What's the best compliment you've ever recieved? Ummm..... I'm constantly told (mostly by my parents) that I'm smart and cute and all the stuff they need to tell you because they're your parents but I think that the best compliment I've ever received would have to be... actually I'm not quite sure. Oh, I know. Lindz told me that while we were at my mom's she couldn't stop staring at me. She said she realized that someday some guy is gonna be extremely lucky to have me.

3. How do you feel about Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles getting married? Doesn't effect me in any way

4. If you had to make a sitcom whom would you cast to play your family? Let's see..... Dad would be the guy that played Grizzly Adams because he has a beard like Grizzly. Sami would have to be herself because nobody can take her place. Joey would be played by the twerp that played Pugsley Addams on The Addams Family remake. Mom would be played by Kimberly Williams-Paisley (Dana on According to Jim). Ray would have to be Adam Sandler (similar sense of humor-ish and similar build).

5. What was the last movie you saw? Umm... I saw parts of Their Eyes Were Watching God, Miss Congeniality, and Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood.

6. What kind of shampoo do you use? Just switched to new stuff. John Freida Brilliant Brunette

7. Is there anything you're looking forward to doing? Taking full advantage of Lindz's trampoline and having my party!

8. Do you have anything you like about yourself that most people consider a flaw? Most people say I sing awful (I used to) and most people don't like my laugh. I happen to love my laugh, thank you very much. So what if I'm always laughing loudly?

9. How would you like people to think of you? Classically beautiful, smart, graceful

10. What's one thing you wish the news would do more stories on? How bout less on celebrity trials?

11. What's the one invention that's made your life better? Clocks, microwaves, fridges, freezers, disposable razors(!)

12. Do you ever,or have you,considered a career change? Yes. I hope that I won't always be in school!

13. Have you ever expierenced love at first sight? No and I don't believe in it. Lust at first sight, I believe in and have experienced.

14. Is there anything you've heard or seen that has just surpised you? Umm... Mom saying she was pregnant with Sami and then that she was getting married to Ray

15. What are you having for dinner tonight?  Tacos! Speaking of which, they're waiting for me....

16. In your house who do you have the most pictures of? Family? Probably me because I'm the oldest child

17. What's your favorite type of flowers? Lilacs and sunflowers. Roses are romantic, but lilacs smell better and sunflowers are funner to grow.

18. Whose your favorite talkshow host? I don't typically watch talk shows.

19. What's one political cause you feel most strongly about? Gay rights and abortion. Tomorrow is the Day of Silence. I'll give more info later but it's related.

20. Have you ever read a book that influenced you? The Guardian (Sparks). One of the characters is pretty scary but he says one thing that influenced me. He says that he prefers how Julie looks to how Andrea looks because Julie is a natural beauty who wears sweaters and jeans and modest clothing as opposed to Andrea who wears low cut shirts and mini-skirts 24/7/365 and spends hours on her appearance. Scary as Richard is, that really struck me.


More later, y'all!

Monday, April 11, 2005


Congratulations to Lindsay (13/15) for the highest score (though I think she may have an unfair advantage)! Ali came in second with 12/15. Dawn (11/15) came in next tied with B followed by Sara (9/15) and Mom right on her tail (8/15). Lastly, Jake with 6/15. Here are the right answers.

1. I just finished reading Carrie by Stephen King.  False. I've never read a single book by Stephen King. 

2. When I was 12, I fell in the driveway and had to be carried up the stairs to the kitchen for medical treatment (from my parents).   False but based on a true event. When I was five, I was pushed and skinned my knee and had to be carried to the kitchen for medical treatment.

3. My favorite author is Muriel Sparks.   False. Nicholas Sparks.

4. I sing soprano in my high school select choir.  False. I sing alto in my high school choir (not select).

5. Some of my closest friends have attempted suicide.   Sadly, true.

6. I've thought about jumping off buildings or roofs or whatnot but not in an attempt to kill myself.   True. There's apparently some confusion about this question. I don't mean free-falling or bungee-jumping or base jumping. I mean I'll be standing at the edge of a roof or a tall building or staircase and want to hurl myself off it. Lindz is the only one I've met that I've mentioned this to and she knows exactly what I mean. It's mentioned in The Bean Trees as well.

7. I've never left New Jersey.   False. I live in New York.

8. My first crush was in the second grade to a boy named Nick.   True.

9. My first best friend's name was Michelle.   True but I had toask my mom to make sure! lol

10. I love fire and flames and will burn paper just to watch the flames.   True though I haven't burnt paper in a while. Typically when I do burn paper, it has a significance like a poem I wrote or something.

11. I've been in the snow. Barefoot.   Brrrrrrr... true.

12. I'm one of the most popular kids at my school.   Totally false!

13. I totally and completely hate that number. In fact, it petrifies me. 5/13/05 is gonna be hell!   True. I'm superstitious and I hate the number thirteen but only in numerical form.

14. I've only recently come to terms with my first and middle name.   True. I was going to change my name 50 billion times. Hope was my favorite out of my fake names. And now the name Esperanza (Spanish for hope) is haunting me.

15. I had braces for three years (from the end of fifth grade to the end of eighth grade)and this is my first full school year in this town without them. False. I had braces for about eighteen months from seventh grade to eighth.

Anyone shocked about anything? I'd be glad to give stories to any that y'all are wondering about if there is a story.

Love always,


Update: Rachel took this on 4/18 and got 12/15. Tied for second with Ali.

Friday, April 8, 2005

Weekend Assignment

Kay, y'all. I'm going to my aunt's house until Sunday so I won't be around much but, guess what? I'm doing to weekend assignment first.

Weekend Assignment #54: Tell us all a single piece of wisdom you've learned from personal life experience. It can be a small thing, it can be a big thing, a simple tip or trick or the most important thing you've ever learned from life. But whatever it is, you should be able to state it in one sentence. That way people will remember it easier.

A single piece of wisdom? Umm... Everything is for a reason and everything will work out how it's meant to in the end. I've moved numerous times, had my parents divorce, my best friend move away, and my life has been in shabbles at times. But guess what? Moving to a new house gave me a chance to have my own house, with new friends and a closer neighborhood of kids. Moving to a new town gave me new friends and new chances. My parent's divorce, while that gave my parents a chance to start over and me a chance to live life without the yelling. It's strengthened me. Liz moving has helped her raise her grades and her confidence though I miss her immensely. Everything happens for a reason though it's not always clear at first.

Extra Credit: Tell us: Would you have listened to your own bit of advice as a teenager? Be honest, now.
Umm.... John? I am a teenager! When I was little and moved to a new town, I did not listen to this advice. They told me that it was for a reason, that I'd have more opprotunites and I never listened.

Love y'all and I'll cya on Sunday or Monday. And interviewies-your questions will be coming when I get back. There's still three empty slots..... Have a great weekend!

Love always,