Monday, April 25, 2005

Finally, your interview questions, y'all!

I totally know these are later than they should be but, guess what? If you volunteered to be interviewed, here are your five questions. And if you like a question I asked someone else, feel free to answer that as well. Make sure you post the rules in your entry! Oh, and keep in mind, I wrote these questions in second period while lacking sleep. So if something doesn't quite make sense, please ask me and I'll clarify.

For Dawn:

1. You've said that you're Catholic. Is there anything you disagree with the Roman Catholic Church on?

2. You're guarenteed a spot in whatever law school you want to go to and you get a full scholarship. You don't have to pay a dim. After you graduate, you are guarenteed a great job in a prestigious law firm or as DA or whathaveyou in whatever city you wish. Taking this deal means that you'll only see Austin and the rest of your family every couple of months or so. Do you take it?

3. You create a lot of activities in addition to your daily entries (True or False, Twenty Questions, etc.). How do you find the time, energy, and creativity to create all of these as well as raise Austin and all your other tasks?

4. You can learn one thing and be a master at it in your sleep. What do you choose?

5. Is there anything you miss from your past?

For B:

1. If you could have had Pey later in your life and be guarenteed the same child (same DNA, etc.), would you and why?

2. You've mentioned that you don't get along very well with your mother. Do you want a better relationship with her?

3. What is the one thing you would wish for (material or not) if given the chance?

4. What do you fear the most? Is there a reason? (Ex. If you fear dogs, were you attacked by one?)

5. Congratulations! You've won a trip to anywhere in the world, all expenses paid. They'll take you as many places as you want to go and you can spend as long as you want there. Where do you go?

For Sara:

1. How do you remember your childhood? What is your most vivid childhood memory?

2. If you could be any animal, plant, or other object (basically, anything other than you), who/what would you be and why?

3. Congratulations! You've won a $5000 shopping spree anywhere you want! Where do you go?

4. What is the most significant date for you? Why?

5. Do you have any special traits/abilities/etc.? Other than being the wonderful Sara that you are, of course.

For Promise:

1. Who is your oldest friend? Is s/he your best friend? Do they know you the best?

2. What is your biggest regret? What is one thing you will never regret?

3. Here you go. This pill will make you 100% healthy (no colds, no allergies, no diseases of any sort) but you'll never truly be happy. Do you take the pill?

4. What were your best and worst subjects in school? Either grade-wise or what you liked best.

5. What/who/when do you miss the most? Why (if you know)?

So go to your journals, answer, come back here and leave a link! I look forward to your answers!

Love always,



Anonymous said...

Will do hon :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Here's my link - this was fun :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

here's my link

Anonymous said...

got them done :)

Anonymous said...

Here ya go.  Sorry no reply for a while.  I was supposed to go for my meeting today. Things got fouled up.  Anyway,thanks.  -Dawn-