Friday, April 22, 2005

News and Twenty Questions

So if it'll let me do it the way I want to, you should see pictures of the kitties! If not, I'm kinda screwed because I've filled my FTP space and don't have another screenname that I can get to. If only I hadn't deleted Cutekittygirl678. :( Darn it. It won't work. If you want to see pictures of the kitties, I guess you'll have to e-mail me (or leave a comment) and request them and then I can e-mail them to y'all. Well, yeah. The kitties have been born today! They look adorable but I can't wait to see them.

Twenty Questions

1. If Hillary Clinton ran for president would you vote for her? I don't have a clue.

2. What's one tv show you have started watching from the new tv season? Haven't really but I catch an episode of LOST every now and then (Sawyer speaking.)

3. Did you have a band you hated as a kid but love now? I don't know.

4. What color do you feel looks best on you? I think black, pink, and white look good on me. I've been told that pink, black, and red do.

5. Is there anything you disagreed with the Pope about? I don't know what he believed.

6. What color are your bedroom walls? Aquamarine with teal diamonds. I should have stuck with the purple.

7. Did you have a nickname in highschool? Oh, goodness. I'm in high school now and I've got so many! Sawyer, Four by Four, a billion of 'em.

8. If you could drive any kind of car what kind would you want? A 1966 red convertible corvette, baby!

9. What was your favorite arcade game? Ummm.... Ms. PacMan

10. How do you feel about Brittney Spears' announcing her pregnancey? Just pick a nice name, Ms. Spears.

11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 25, engaged to the love of my life, college graduate, in a job I love, planning my wedding

12. If you could get one snack,right now,what would you want? Ummm... nicolettes?

13. How doy feel about phramasists refusing to fill prescriptions for birthcontrol pills? It's not their perogative just as it is not the President's perogative to deny women the right to choose. He should not be inflicting HIS religion on the masses.

14. What do you consider to be the greatest thing you've ever done? Being a big sister and best friend

15. What's the coolest animal you've ever seen up close? Umm... not sure

16. If you were given a millon dollars what would be the first thing you'd buy yourself? A decent house

17. If you were left on an island what would you want to bring with you? Sunblock, summer-y clothes, books, CD's, CD player

18. What's one thing you want to do before you're too old,married or have children? Well, it doesn't influence anything if I'm married or have children (but that might hinder some things for a couple years). I want to bungee jump, sky dive, scuba dive, snorkel, and do a million other things.

19. Where the last place you went on vacation? Does a one night trip to Syracuse count as a vacation? If not, Loon Lake.

20. Where do you wish you could go on the perfect vacation? Not quite sure. Europe would be nice but I'd like a tropical island too. I guess it would have to be an around the world kinda thing.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Could you not make yourself another screen name and use the ftp space from that?  Or you could delete pics from older entries.  I'd love to see the kitties, if you don't mind emailing me a pic :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

great answers!  I have to remember to post mine later :)
make another screen name, or maybe see if you can borrow some space from another one (like dad) just for the FTP.  I usually go through and delete old photos or songs that I don't have up in the journal anymore.
I'd love to see the kitties when you get a chance to send picures of them :)
hope your party was a blast!