Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Controversy? I hope not.

I don't support abortion BUT I do feel that women should have a choice. It's not up to me to say that Suzy Smith can't have an abortion. I am aware that most women regret their abortions later in life. But I feel that every experience can be used to teach something. If a women does get pregnant and decides to have an abortion and does regret it, she may learn to value life more. She will miss that child but will also value any other children she has more. If done correctly, an abortion should not damage a women's reproductive organs. She should be able to have more children. The only thing damaged is the fetus. As I said, I do not support abortion nor would I have one (unless there were certain circumstances i.e. rape or such). I do not feel that I should be allowed to tell others that they cannot have an abortion. The main argument against abortion is a religious one. There is such a thing as seperation of church and state and that means that one cannot inflict their religion on the masses. President Bush is attempting to do just that. I feel that if a child is aborted, the child's soul is "recycled", if you will. I feel that the child gets a second chance at life just as if the child is stillborn. I don't believe in reincarnation as a policy but I feel that under certain circumstances, a child is allowed a second life. I feel this happens if the child is aborted, stillborn, miscarried, or passes at an extremely young age (such as mere minutes or days old). I'm very liberal for a Christian and have been questioned many times on my beliefs. I've had conversations like this:
Isn't that a gay thing?
It's for gay rights.
Aren't you Christian?
Yes, I am.
Then howcan you support that?
I happen to be open minded.
But I digress. I happen to be open-minded. I am not the sort of Christian that everyone knows is a Christian. I am not a "typical" Christian. I don't condemn people for things that I know are sins. I may warn them depending on the sin but, why should I refuse to allow others to be themselves (with their sin) when I myself have sinned? Each sin is as bad as the next and I, for one, do not intend to be a hypocrite. The only difference between members of the GLBT(Q) community and I is that my sins are different and my Lord has paid my debt in full.  I'll leave you with a few Bible verses for thought.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." I Peter 4:8

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:31-32


Anonymous said...

For your age I am shocked at your level of thinking.  I am twice your age wsweety and it took me until I was about 27 to get to where you are.  I applaud you for stating your thoughts so well and without judging anyone.  I feel the same as you do and get questioned at every turn.  I may not always agree with peoples life styles but I do what God has called me to do and that is to love my neighbor and my fellow brothers and sisters unconditionally always pulling that log out of my eye first and foremost.  Kudos and much applauding to you!  Brava!


Anonymous said...


Just to share a verse I try my best to live by...

Matthew 7:1  "Judge not, that ye be not judged."
(You know, glass houses n' such)

Vickey, you make me all warm n fuzzy sometimes. There IS hope for the future.

Love you- Auntie Lori

Anonymous said...

Abortion is murder plain and simple.  The state says that murder is a crime.  If I were to go by your logic then we should not punish any criminal because that would be mixing state and church.  I mean, why even have jails period?  I'm against stealing, but why impose my beliefs on others...?  Do you see what I am getting at?

Anonymous said...

Girl, your maturity amazes me sometimes.  I love that you have convictions and stand by them, but you don't judge others.  Sometimes I cringe when people call themselves Christian, those people who don't do the right thing but throw a scripture in someone's face when it suits them.  You, my dear, are a true Christian.  I admire your strength in your faith :)