Thursday, April 7, 2005

T or F, that is the question.

True or False. Below are fifteen statements. Some are true and some are false. Can you spot the lies? Answers on Monday.  

1. I just finished reading Carrie by Stephen King.  

2. When I was 12, I fell in the driveway and had to be carried up the stairs to the kitchen for medical treatment (from my parents).  

3. My favorite author is Muriel Sparks.  

4. I sing soprano in my high school select choir.  

5. Some of my closest friends have attempted suicide.  

6. I've thought about jumping off buildings or roofs or whatnot but not in an attempt to kill myself.  

7. I've never left New Jersey.  

8. My first crush was in the second grade to a boy named Nick.  

9. My first best friend's name was Michelle.  

10. I love fire and flames and will burn paper just to watch the flames.  

11. I've been in the snow. Barefoot.  

12. I'm one of the most popular kids at my school.  

13. I totally and completely hate that number. In fact, it petrifies me. 5/13/05 is gonna be hell!  

14. I've only recently come to terms with my first and middle name.  

15. I had braces for three years (from the end of fifth grade to the end of eighth grade)and this is my first full school year in this town without them.  

Which are true and which are lies? Leave your guesses and your links, if you play along.  

Love always,


Anonymous said...

1 f
2 f
3 f
4 t
5 t
6 f
7 f
8 t
9 t
10 f < candles but not paper>
11 better not be true !!!! lol
12 T < depends on your def of popular , everyone knows who you are so i think that would be a true statement >
13 f
14 t
15 f

How did I do ??? < scared of the answer .. lmao >

Anonymous said...

ok so i was told that I HAD TO THIS lol any way heres my answers

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. TRUE!
6. TRUE!
7. False .. heh
8. False
9. True... i know your current :D
10. True
11. TRUE!
12. False school no, with your friends duh!
13. True!
14. True... lol Mr. Stewart
15. False

Ok well theres my answers! lol i dont got a link...

*The One And Only Lindz*

Anonymous said...

k, I'm sceered ;)~  don't hold it against me...
1. false
2. true
3. true?
4. true
5. true
6. true...i think you'd free fall
7. false
8. hmmm...true?
9. false
10.  true
11. true
12. Not to come across wrong...but false.  I just don't see you doing anything and everything JUST to be popular.  but that aside homeslice...You ROCK!
13. true.  do you know what that's called?!  I loved etymology ;) triskaidekaphobia.  (tris-k-eye-deck-a-phobia)...fear of the number's a real phobia
14. true?
15. false

well?!  xoxo~Bernadette

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm having a go, though I'm really bad at these!!

1.  False
2.  True
3.  False
4.  True
5.  True
6.  False - I hope!
7.  False
8.  True
9.  True
10. False
11. True
12. False
13. False
14. True
15. True

How did I do?

Anonymous said...

lol I'm not sure about i'll of these but i'll give it a shot.
1. false

Anonymous said...

1 false
2 True
3 False
4 False
5 True but idk who has, I mean NOT me or any thing I happy !
6 True
7 False
8 ?
9 True
10 True
11 True
12 False
13 true
14 true
15 idk I didn’t know you then and you have never brought it up so yea

i am a good guesser :-) i hope

Anonymous said...

1. false
3.i'm going with false...
4.)definitely aren't in the select choir and you don't sing soprano. i would know because i distract you on a daily basis from your singing. (this is rachel if you couldn't tell.
6.) true
7.) uh....let's go with...FALSE!!!!
9.)sheli? i'll say true
10.)true true true true true!!!! we had a discussion once about sex w/ fire
11.)hey, you're from booneyville....ppl do odd stuff out there so true
12.)false but that doesn't mean you aren't loved!
13.)kinda paranoid there, doncha think? um....false? true? no idea whatsoever...
14.)did i have something to do w/ that? because i call u by your first and middle name quite frequently. true.
15.) uh...i think false. last year i don't think you had braces.

a lot of these aren't guesses though so i wonder if they count....