Tuesday, April 26, 2005

38 questions

1) Name the Last Four Things You Bought:
Lunch, a cookiewich (ice cream sandwich w/cookies instead of those thingies), a tank top, and Playboy Bunny flip-flops

2) Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink : Chocolate milk, water, pop, tea

3) Last Time You Cried? Saturday or Sunday night

4) What’s In Your CD Player? Keith Urban

5) What’s Under Your Bed?  Not much. Some dust, clothes that are "retired" but I can't give up, & some other stuffs

6) What Time Did You Wake Up Today?  First at 5:50 then again at 6 then at 6:10.

7) Current Hair?  Down and irratitating

8) Current Clothes? Old Navy Jeans, Pooh "Cutie" T-shirt, Aero hoodie, socks, old awful sneakers (that need to be replaced

9) Current Desktop Picture? "Gold Petals" It's an orange/gold flower

10) Current Worry?   If I'll get my essay done and my English grade up (I need, like, a 90 to stay in the course)

11) Current Hate? The way guys are being idiots lately

12) Favorite Places To Be?  the pond, lindz's, mom's

13) Least Favorite Place? Here with Dad

14) If You Could Play An Instrument? Piano (Can play OK)

15) Favorite Color(s)? Purple, black, red

16) How Tall Are You? Somewhere between 5' and 5' 2"

17) Favorite expression? "

18) One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Talk To: uhhh.... Gumpy. If you're reading this, I still miss you but, guess what? I've already dealt with not saying good-bye to you and that you broke the last promise you made to me. I still have the Barbie ornament and the Cinderella book though.

19) Favorite Day(s)?  Fridays that include Starbucks/Hots and/or Mom's and Saturdays (esp. at Mom's b/c I get the whole day at Mom's and I get to see Samantha for the first time in two weeks)

20) Where Would You Like To Go? A billion places

21) Where do you want to live when you get married? Wherever so long as I'm with my true love

22) Favorite food?  Umm.... depends on my mood

23) Color of most clothes you own:
black, denim, white

24) Number of pillows you sleep with?  depends on the thickness of the pillows. Two normal and one thick throw lately

25) What do you wear when you go to sleep: Depends on my mood. Everything from a negligee to oversized T-shirts to lounge pants to nada

26) What were you doing 12AM last night: Trying to sleep or asleep

27) How old will you be in 10 years: In ten years, I'll be 25.

28) What do you think you’ll be doing in 10 years:
Graduate of college, married or in a serious relationship

29) Do you have braces?
not anymore

30) Are you paranoid?

31) Do you burn or tan? 
I burn then after it peels I have a light tan. I never have a good tan though cuz I don't spend time outside much

32) What is the brand of your wallet? 
No wallet.

33) First piercing/tattoo?  My ears.

34) First enemy? Ashley something or other in kindergarten because she was bossing me around

35) Last person you yelled at? Dan for being an f-ing coward

36) Last crush?  
Tom Brady

37) Last thing you ate? 
 Uhh... a peanut butter egg

38) The last time you had sex it was...? In m
y last life! Ha.

Thanks for the time wasting, Promise!

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Vickey,dear,I'm totally stealing this one from ya! -Dawn-

Anonymous said...

This was cute! i just may steal this sometime :)