Thursday, April 7, 2005

My interview

Leave me a comment saying “interview me”. The first five commenters will be the participants. I will respond by asking you five questions. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. (Write your own questions or borrow some.)

Okay, so I let Mary interview me and I'm really nervous about this for some reason. I don't know. Anyhow, here are the questions she came up with....

1. Vickey, you say you are a Christian. Give a brief testimony.. how you became a Christian and why. I went to Christian camp two summers ago for the first time. Monday night chapel they invite anyone who wants to pray the prayer to do so with Wes. I didn't. I had too many questions, too many doubts. I had to talk to someone, ask my questions. So all week long, I bugged Kayce all the time with my questions. She was great. Answered every one. By the end of the week, I was ready to commit my life. But I didn't. I didn't want to step forward and make the first step in becoming a Christian. So I didn't. A year later, I found myself back at camp, back to square one. I was acting unChristian. Swearing, lying, being a bitch. I needed to turn around and I did. Monday night at chapel, I went up. I prayed the prayer and I felt like I was being held. I could literally feel someone's arms around me. I felt like without those arms, I'd fall. I was lightheaded but happier than I'd ever been. I went back to Miss Kate's and Christen gave me a huge hug. She had tears in her eyes because I'd been saved. It was amazing. I did that because it felt right to do it then. I have always gone to church on and off. Always believed in a Higher Power and always known who Christ was. But that was the first time that I asked Him into my heart.

2. For you, what is the hardest thing about being a teenager? Being in between. I'm not a child, but not an adult. I'm not happy with my body but I'm happy with my soul. I'm not exactly who I should be but I'm not what I detest. I feel like I'm halfway between.

3. What is the best thing about being a teenager? The best thing? Ummm..... I'm more independent than I was as a child. I'm free to believe in fairies and true love and rainbows. I don't have as many responsibilities as an adult but I'm old enough to walk to Starbucks after school by myself.

4.What is a quality that you mostly seek in a friend and do you yourself have this quality? I'm not really sure. I know that honesty, a sense of humor, compassion, and just being able to hang out and do whatever together are important to me. I'm honest most of the time and I've been told that I'm funny. I know I'm compassionate and I can definitely just hang out and do whatever.

5.  How is your relationship with your parents today compared to how it was before you became a teen? Gosh. I knew I was nervous for a reason. Let's take 'em seperately. Dad. I was Daddy's Little Girl. My dad could do no wrong. He was a saint. What was I thinking? Sometimes, I get along with him now but not often and not for long. I fight with him all the time and, trust me, he can do wrong. Mom. I've always had a good relationship with Mom but I always choose Dad first. When I got my tonsils out, I was going to have Dad come in with me but Joey wanted him and I didn't want Mom to feel bad. Now, I look back on that and am glad that I had Mom there. I remember her stroking my hair and reassuring me that I'd be okay and that she'd see me in a little bit while I breathed in this awful gas that was to put me to sleep. I'm close with her now than when my parents first got divorced. At one point, she hardly ever came and when she did, I spent the weekend hanging out with Jaci, not Mom. I couldn't have cared less if she came (and that kills me to write for two reasons. 1) She reads this. 2) It's not true anymore). Now, I want to move in with her and I'm just waiting until the courts say I can.

Does that answer all your questions? Okay, anyone want to be interviewed? Leave a comment.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Interview Me!  I've been waiting for one of these.  Anyway,love your answers and I'm waiting on your true or false.  -Dawn-  

Anonymous said...

great answers : )  Felt like I got to know you alot better.

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

Great answers, thanks for sharing.  And I would like to say
Interview me :)

Anonymous said...

oh wow. seems that some of that was tough to bring to the surface, but glad you got it out there ;)

K, if there's anything you want to ask me you can interview me...but only if there's something You want to know love ;)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, interview me!!!
I learnt so much reading these Vickey, especially from No.1 and No.5.  Really good answers :o)
Sara   x