Friday, October 8, 2004


So basically, I'm sitting in Global now. Finished the vocabulary sheet. Probably boring you out of your mind. Does anyone know AngelEyez1970's new journal? Could you please leave a link to it in the comment section? It's the A Lil' Country Charm one. Thanks so much.

Wow. Friday already! Still 2 1/2 period's to go. I don't even know where I'm sleeping tonight! I hope at home but I doubt it. I miss my bed. I miss my room. I want a good, long night's sleep. What are you all doing for the holiday weekend? Happy Thanksgiving, Canada. A few years ago, I saw fireworks at the USA/Canada border for Thanksgiving (or was it Independance?) Day. Classes are changing. More from English, perhaps.

Well, English was boring. Sat and waited for Rachel to get back from the bathroom so we could work on our project. Ended up doing nothing for most of the period. I have 20 minutes left in this sauna and no money to buy a drink. Maybe I should use mental money. Or my spleen (inside joke). Did you know your spleen is a real functioning body part? It filters out dead blood cells. Murph told me that. He's obsessed with spleens and something else......... (Don't worry. Nobody's bf/gf will find out from moi.)

Have you ever seen Moulin Rouge? I'm addicted to it. The song Satine sings about flying away is stuck in my head. Only two lines though. I'm going to watch it at some point this weekend. My new lyrics to it: "Someday I'll find my love/Fly into the stars above."

Are you dressing up for Halloween? If not, how old were you when you stopped? If so, care to share your age? Optional-of course. I'm 14 (15 in February) and I'm prolly going trick-or-treating. Marilyn Monroe, I think. Something glamourous and sexy. My dad's gonna have a cow. Any suggestions for my coustome?

Well, studyhall is nearly over (that means school is over) so I'm going away.

Hey, y'all. It's quarter to nine and the Presidental Debate starts in 15 minutes. Are you watching it? I'd love a great debate. I don't like either candidate but, I'm Democrat so I suppose Kerry is my candidate. He seemed quite arrogant. "I can do better." "When I am President, I...." Anybody else get that vibe? But, I don't like Bush either. He lied about the weapons of mass destruction and Iraq was not in this war until he brought it in. Yes, Saddam was an awful tyrant but, he was not theratening us at the time. We should have foucused on Bin Laden. Well, I'llbe back on after the debate, if I can. If not, I'll write tomorrow. Love y'all.


*Romance before Government*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Here i am chic!!

The rest of this entry totally cracked me up!! My hubby had Thanksgiving in canada! He called me laughing because he had Thanksgiving Dinner already! Men can be such butts!
