Sunday, October 17, 2004

Sunday Brunch

Angry is due to idiotic fathers. If you are a father, please don't be an idiot. If you are an idiot, please don't be a father. Explaination tomorrow. For now, Sunday Brunch (at ten to nine. LOL).

"Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so
beautifully furnishes a house."
-Henry Ward Beecher

1) What size is your bed?
2) Do you prefer fabric sofas or leather sofas? What do you have?
fabric, fabric
3) What wood stain color is your favorite? (Pine, walnut, cherry, etc.)
4) What piece of furniture is at the top of your wish list right now?
a canopy for my bed (does that count? if not, a new chair but, i want to keep my old one)
5) Do you have a piece of furniture in your home that doesn’t seem to
fit but that you can’t bear to part with?
My desk, chair, dresser, nightstands, cubes, bookshelves, lamps, everything in my room!!!!!

Fathers suck. at least mine does.... I'm so glad he doesn't have my blog URL. Thanks for listening, y'all.

Love always,
The highly adjatated teenage b**** (yes, I use masked profanites. Deal with it or leave. Sorry, hunnies but, I'm in that kind of a mood. If I ever use unmasked profanities, I apologize but they're necessary sometimes!!!!!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah me I fear mylady I am guilty on both counts ... I am a father and indeed at times a complete and total idiot. My only blessing is that in time my children have come to love me in spite of having disengaged my brain during some very lame parenting attempts. I do so hope your father manages to reconnect his brain sometime soon. Can't wait to hear this tale! Hope you had a realxing weekend at mom's.