Friday, October 8, 2004

Rant/Weekend Assignment

Before I get to the weekend assignment and the party, allow me to say this. Or rather scream it. (I apologize in advance for the headache.) No one has the right to judge other people. One cannot judge someone unless you, yourself, are perfect. If you are, please, judge all you want. Only one being is perfect. God. Okay, I'm done with the rant for now. You may uncover your ears now. Time for the Weekend Assignment...

 Weekend Assignment #28: The United States Congress (or appropriate legislative body in the country in which you live) has vested in you the power create exactly one National Holiday, celebrating anyone or anything you want, no questions asked. What is the name of your holiday, what does it celebrate, and how should we celebrate it?

One Rule: It can't be a holiday that honors someone who already has a holiday. Share the wealth, people.

Extra credit: Name the holiday that already exists that you'd like to see have a higher profile.


I would create a holiday for mystical creatures. Unicorns, centaurs, etc. It would be called Mysticality Day. We should celebrate Mysticality Day by reliving our childhood's. In the sense that we should recall the creatures we once believed in that some of us still do. We should watch movies about them and read books about them and let our children grow up believing in them, too.

Extra Credit: Groundhog Day because how many holidays center around an animal?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First I totally agree on your rant, sorry to hear you perhaps fell under the harsh judgment of someone else. Living with a disability all my life it seems as though memories abound of being judged according other people's standards that I could never, ever expect to meet up to. After awhile it makes one want to just give up.

Great idea for a national holiday... it's about time dragons, unicorns, and other mystical creatures got their due. I'm still a believer in creatures and events that we cannot totally understand or explain. I love the movie "Groundhogs Day" with Bill Murray... seems like I've had days like that ... they just keep repeating themselves over & over. Toodles