Thursday, September 2, 2004

Weekend Assignment

Hey, y'all! Well, this is my first Weekend Assignment. For those of y'all that don't know what a weekend assignment is, go to (I hope this isn't illegal or anything. I didn't write it. It was written by If you'd like me to take this link out, I will just ask.) Well, here's my picture. If it's not here, it's because the computer I'm on is incredibly stupid so I'll describe the picture. It's me with a bottle of hairspray aimed at my head. This sounds stupid so let me explain the significance of the photo. I was away at camp and I never wear hairspray except when Lindsay (my bff) makes me. On this occasion, I willingly picked up my hairspray & aimed it at my head befor Lindz could even notice. She gasped when she saw this and made me pause to let her take a photo. This is meaningful to me because it reminds me of camp (which is amazing and I love it) and it reminds me of laughing with Lindz. This is my weekend assignment.

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