Saturday, October 22, 2005


It's one am and I should so be asleep but I just can't get myself to go lay down and try to sleep. So I've talked to Lindz, debated drinking a shot of Jack Daniels (I didn't), and nearly made myself puke trying to get the tuna out of the back of my throat. My friend Ali's really sick. She has CF and she's in the hospital. She'll be there til Monday. The doctors don't want her to leave but they're not making her stay. They say she only has a month left to live. She'll be 19 in December. I don't believe the doctors. I think she'll see the year 2006. I don't know why I feel this way or why I am so convinced or why it seemed more real when I didn't know the length of time but, that's the way it is. I can't articulate anything too well at this hour. I have a billion entries to catch up with but I just can't motivate myself to do it. I need to get into a routine but, I keep getting thrown off. Idk what it is but, something throws me off and I get hopelessly behind in so many aspects of my life. Tonight just isn't very good for me. I'll be better in the morning. I'll write more then. For now, get some sleep if you're still on. And if you're reading this Sunday morning, good morning. :)



Anonymous said...

lol.  good morning to you too :)
I will keep Ali in my thoughts and prayers...that's a lot of weight on such a young girls shoulders.  People beat the doctors odds all the time :)  My buddy Bill is pushing thru chemo and has only gotten sick 2 times (he just finished his 3rd round on friday) even tho the docs said he'd be laid up in bed. :)

Anonymous said...

You've got lots on your shoulders. This entry reminded me of my granddaughter, whose fiance killed himself at age 18, then she lost a best girlfriend to cancer. The friend was only 16. My grandchld was 16 at the time. I'll be keeping you in prayer and your friend too. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vickey. Sorry to hear about your friend. Thinking about you...