Saturday, August 20, 2005


I'm going away for a while. Not my choice exactly. Now before you all start going "What did she do? Why is her computer time off again?", let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. *giggle* Actually, I can explain and quite simply too. Lindz has been gone for a week in WI. Tonight, I'm sleeping at her dad's house. (I'm there now.) Tomorrow, we leave for Alpine Lake (near Saratoga Springs). We went there a few years ago. Lindz lost her bracelet in the lake. Let me back up. Lindz and I got matching charm bracelets. One charm on mine said "best" and on hers it said "friends". That's the one difference. We rented a paddle boat and were out in the lake when her bracelet snagged and came unclasped. It fell in the water and before we could get it, it was fish food. So now, we're going to drop mine into the water at approximately the same spot from a paddle boat. Anyhow, for the next week I'll be gone at Alpine. I've shut off all alerts except four (my comment alerts and the journal jar) and put FLYlady on hold. I'll be back at Lindz's on the 28th until the 29th. Then I go to my gramma's and then I come back home. (The 29th I have a chiro appointment and the 30th I have a waxing appointment and then the 31st I have my birthday party!) So until then, I shall be gone. I love you all and I'll miss you and I'll catch up as best I can when I get back.   Oh, and guess what? Yesterday when I was shopping I got this cropped hoodie and it says "L'amore Tourajours" or something like that and it means "Love always". Isn't that perfect since I (typically) sign this journal "Love always, Vickey"? I think it's too cool. = ~ ) Kay, time to go work on my list of 500 facts. (Got the number from Dawn but was working on the list before then just didn't know how long I was gonna make it.)   I'm gonna go do some reading before Lindz gets in. Til next week, I love you and I'll miss you! I'll try to remember to write each night before I go to sleep about the day but, I do apologize if I forget. My one hope for this vacation other than a light tan is to find a guy to flirt with. Lindz found Terry last time we were there. I want to find a guy to flirt with. Just for the week. Please? hehe ^_^   Love always,

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