Friday, June 17, 2005

Babble-Vickey (idea stolen from Dawn)

Kay, writing this in a "Babble-Vickey" form...  (Yes, that is stolen from Dawn's Babble-Dawn format.)

-Dyed Lindsay's hair red plum semi-permanent. Looks really good. She's going to do mine later-

-Going to Ali's soccer game to get myself drenched all for the sake of Lindz's relationship since Lindz and Ali haven't seen each other in like a week and are going through withdrawal. (Yes, Lindz and Ali are both female. They're both bisexual. Get over it.)-

-My head hurts from chemicals and I have no shoes to wear!-

-Sleeping at Lindsay's house again tonight-

-Oh, and trying to figure out how I'm going to break up with my boyfriend who I haven't told you all about yet. You'll get that story tonight, I promise.-

-That's all for now since Kyle'll be here soon to drive Lindz and I to Ali's soccer game. Uberfun. Not that I don't love Ali but, watching sports isn't very appealing to me and neither is watching sports in the rain in pajama pants and flip-flops.-

You all everybody!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can't wait!
hope you had a good time in the rain in PJ's and flip flops :)