Monday, June 27, 2005

Six letters. Mass fear. Has it affected you?

Kay, just had this thing written up (without people over my shoulder) (yes, I'm talking to you, Mom) (lol) but it wouldn't save. So, time to redo it. Luckily, I know what I said (and how to save it now so it'll never delete again).

I know you're gonna probably kill me for writing this, Mom, but it is my journal and if you don't like having total access to my mind, then I can take you off the list of people allowed to read, kay? (Note: this is entirely preventative. Mom hasn't flipped out and probably won't but, I'm covering my arse here. She probably isn't gonna be a bitch though. Not like it would be odd if she were... JK)

Anybody know where I can get a peach-colored rubber bracelet? Peach is for uterine cancer and I just found out that Mom's hysterectomy was because she had cancer. Cancer. I hate that word. It strikes such fear with so simple a word. I mean, think about it. What other six letters can you arrange to strike such fear into so many? Most of us will either have cancer or a cancer scare touch our families in some way. Some of us will have it personally and some will have it closer than others. I urge everyone to get all the testings they need as often as they need them. Go to your gyno. Get your pap smear and your mammograms done, ladies. Get your colonoscopies and your prostate exams. Get everything you need done to get a clean bill of health. If it's an every six month test, get it done every six months! Thank goodness that Mom gets her exams done because this cancer was only there for a few months. Between August and May, it came up. Hopefully, they got it all. My prayers go up to everyone who cancer has effected.

(((hugs))) to every one who needs them and every one who doesn't. I don't care how strong you are. Everybody needs a hug sometimes!



Anonymous said...

Very beautifully written ! < tears , nuff said >

Anonymous said...

What you have said here is very very important hon.
People need to get those tests done, for the exact reasons you've talked about.  I had to have cells lasered because of a smear test result years ago, if I hadn't gone for the test who knows what would have happened to me.
Sara   x