Friday, June 10, 2005


I love my toes because of the way sand feels between them.

I love my feet because they let me walk.

I love my legs because they support me.

I love my knees because they let me sit.

I love my thighs because if they weren't there, I'd be unable to run, jump, skip, hop, or even walk.

I love my hips because they make me feel sexy.

I love my butt because it fills out my jeans quite nicely.

I love my stomach because it keeps my upper body sitting up.

I love my lower back because it keeps me upright.

I love my chest because it proves my feminity and the smallness of it allows me to run and jump and such without much pain.

I love my upper back because it hurts far less often than my lower back.

I love my shoulders because so many people underestimate the sexiness of a shoulder.

I love my arms because they let me write and lift objects.

I love my elbows because they let me bend my arms.

I love my hands because they're graceful and classy.

I love my fingers because they let me write and do so many other things.

I love my neck because it holds my head up.

I love my chin because it shapes my face.

I love my cheeks because they let me smile.

I love my eyes because they're gorgeous and they are bloody good flirters.

I love my nose because it lets me breathe when I'm laughing with food or drink in my mouth.

I love my temples because they're soft.

I love my forehead because it covers my brain.

I love my hair because it's soft and lucious and thick and multi-tonal.

I love every bit of bone for supporting my body.

I love every sinew in my being for doing their job.

I love every muscle for letting me move and support myself.

I love every ounce of fat on my body because without it, I'd look dead or nearly so.

I love my reproductive organs because they'll allow me to have a child someday.

I love my digestive system because it allows me to eat and stay nourished.

I love my lips because they're full and pouty.

I love my heart for beating without fail and for healing itself.

I love my lungs for letting me breathe and for working properly (most of the time) and for the way they feel when I run and when it's cold out.

I love my brain for thinking these things and for understanding concepts so easily and for all the other things.

I love my imagination for creating such intracite thoughts (sometimes) and for all the abstract thoughts Sayid and I have talked aobut.

I love every part of my body for everything it does for me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was cute :)
hehe, i love ya too!