Friday, September 30, 2005


 Way too fucking hyper! Ahhh beware: I'm probably gonna say fuck a lot in this entry. When I'm hyper I do. I smell Josh. It's on my shirt and til I change, I'm gonna smell him. And thus gonna think about him and thus gonna be talking about him. OMG! The Click Five is amazing! Just the Girl is the song I'm listening to right now. LOVE THEM! Smells far better than cigarette smoke though. :) I'm really hyper. I'm going absolutely nuts. I love it! It's a real Friday. I biked to school and then Josh had to warm up my hands because I was fucking cold. The school day passed rather uneventfully but I got Ricky :). Up til now he was exempt because of his freshman status. Not anymore. :) hahaha (btw: Ricky's ubercool) (still smells good :) lol) And I had fun and then PHots was UBER AMAZING!!!!!! Kate and Lester and Nick and Brian were all there!!!!!! (All graduated last year) I've missed Fridays like they used to be. I'm so happy to see old friends and hang out with new ones. Josh was there (which is why I smell like him). It smells SO good! Ya know how some guys (or girls) just smell really good to your nose and others smell ick? Well I love the way he smells. I'm so hyper. And Mommy's coming tonight! She'll be here between 8 and 8:30 so I won't be here til Sunday night. But I get to see my sissy and my kitty and my mommy and my stepdaddy! I've missed them all so much!!!!!! I'm probably even gonna hug Ray. That's how much I've missed them. As a general rule, I don't typically hug Ray or miss him. But I do! I want to see all of them so bad! Gonna have to wait til tomorrow morning to see Sami though since she'll be long asleep by the time I get there. I've gotta go pack though. I'll update more later. *bounces off to pack and then hurry back here while smelling her shoulder like a madwoman b/c that's the part of her shirt that smells like Josh* LOL

Bye for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... eyeballs are still bouncing :)  have a time at your mom's!
