Sunday, September 18, 2005

Random short old entries

Most of my fantasies involve little things. I'm talking just curling up on the couch thisclose to my sweetheart and watching a romantic movie, perhaps kissing when they kiss. Most of my fantasies stop far short of sex. Hell, all of them do. If I read a book with a well-written sex scene, I giggle and blush and enjoy it completely but when left to my own devices, I prefer to think about things I may do in the next ten years. I rarely even think about kissing.



Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful...

for telephones so I can talk to Lindz in WI.

for inside jokes that never fail to make me laugh.

for little confidence boosters.

for laughter.

for friends I'd die for.

for the promise of tomorrow.

for a working body, a roof over my head, and food in my stomach.

for mindless activites to do.



I have just come to view fishing in a very similar light to that in which I view hunting. I do not hount and do no like hunting especially if just for sport. I do not eat venison or any other meat which is not store-bought. I know I'm somewhat of a hypocrite for eating any meat but, that's who I am. I have fished before but never has anyone I was with (and certainly not me) cuaght anything more than seaweed. Lindz and I were fishing and she caught one. It wiggled around and was gulping air and it was just so helpless. I can't stand to see them like that. I reeled in my line and came in the camper. I don't see the appeal in fishing. Sitting and waiting and then half-killing a poor fish. It's beyond me. I'll stick to my books and my blogs, thank you very much.

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