Thursday, March 10, 2005


Okay, now, maybe you haven't noticed these terms yet but, I'm a FLYbaby. It's not a cult, it's not a religion, it's a group. FLY, PODA, Dress to the shoes, 15 Minutes at a time, DH, DS, DD, MIL, Friday Date Night, Family Fun Day, Renew your spirit day, and a billion other terms are now frequently used by the current 256,943 members.


Dress to the shoes-getting dressed to the shoes, every morning is important. Lace-up shoes to get you moving. Where are YOUR shoes?
15 minutes at a time-You can do anything for 15 minutes. Just because you don't have an entire day to clean the garage, you can do one shelf in 15 minutes.
Control Journal-Where all routines, etc. are kept. Instructions on the website. Mine has my routines, list of those I'm praying for, packing list (so going to Mom's is easier), quotes that inspire me, reasons I'm unique, and many more things.
Weekly Home Blessing-once a week you take an hour and v
acuum, dust, mop, polish mirrors and doors, purge magazines, change sheets, & empty all trash. Not much but sounds like more
Hot spot-any spot you can put one thing (be it paper, piece of clothing, whatever) on and by the end of the week you can't see it any more is a hot spot! daily hot spot fire preventions reduce this risk
Five minute room rescue-Five minutes clearing a path in the worst room in your house
27 fling boogie-Throw away 27 items and then donate 27 items to bless those less fortunate.
Shine your sink-literally that. Make your sink shine. Or metaphor for the area of the room that you clean first to get started. A made bed could be the bedroom's shiny sink.
BO: Born Organized
CHAOS: Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome
DH: Dear Husband
DD: Dear Daughter
DS: Dear Son
FACE: Financial Awareness Continuously Empowers
FLY: Finally Loving Yourself
MIL: Mother-in-Law
PODA: Parade of Daily Adventures (To do list)
ROTFLOL: Rolling on the Floor Laughing Out Loud
SHE: Side Tracked Home Executive
SAHM: Stay At Home Mom
STUFF: Something That Undermines Family Fun


So do ya understand this a bit more? For more information about the FLY system and FLYlady, visit It's a great system. Not only does it help teach you (even those of you who already do keep the house clean) to make housework into blessings but it helps end "stinkin' thinkin'" and martyrdom. Heck, I've done laundry and dishes. I've got a floor in my room. My bed is made most days. This never happened before FLYlady. So, if you think it might help ya out, check it out!

Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vickey...mylady you are the best. FLYlady here I come! I've been following some similar advice from a book specifically written on how to help the ADHD brain get organized and keep life together. Sounds right up my ally. Thanks again Vickey.