Thursday, March 3, 2005

Here to Help

Just in case you hadn't already heard, there is a new journal, written by UKHostBks, that is there specifically to help with any probs or queries journal related.  If you have a question, or want to report a problem here is the link - Here to help.  Let people know, and add the link to your own journal, am sure you'll find it very useful, I already have.

Okay, so I basically copy pasted this into here from Sara's journal so they're not my words but her's. But regardless, they're words and they're true.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Cheers me dears :o)
Thank you Vickey, in other words!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

hehe cool! Ill be checkin this sucker out

love, meg

Anonymous said...

Some days my dear I can use ALL the help I can get! Will be checking it out.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link Vickey