Wednesday, November 3, 2004

At school... again...

I feel so drained. Not necessarily tired, just lacking energy, ambition, desire to do anything but go home and sleep on my bed. With my teddy bear. Oh, perhaps it has to do with the song I heard last night. "Where, oh, where has my baby gone?" Jon, the guy I thought I loved, sang it to me. It was on the radio last night and it made me cry. It's stuck in my head now. [Jon, if you're reading this, yea, I had thought I was in love with you. You'll always be Jon, my friend, one of my best friends in fact. Until you quit the pot, cigarettes, and sexual activity such as what you signed up for from a certain person, there's no chance. My heart was broken Homecoming Weekend. I forgive you for that but I don't think I'll ever feel the same about you romantically. If I do discover at some point in the future that those feelings have returned, I will let you know before they disipate. I hope we can still be friends like we used to. Like when my Mom lived with y'all. Those were great times and I miss them. You've taught me a lot about myself and about you. I'll never forget any part of this, no matter if you never talk to me again or profess your love for me tomorrow.] Until lunch...

More like "Until studyhall..." Today is Election Day. Did you vote? I wish I could. As you can see from my "All About Me" section (which will soon be revised), I'm a Democrat. Kerry is an arrogant SOB but, he's better than Bush. Nader is one guy I know nothing about. Gay marriage and abortion are the two most important issues for me. Politics is sucking the little energy I have away. So enough of that until I log on tomorrow. Let's see... what to write about? How 'bout my pathetic plans fo rthe night? My dad is picking me up at 2:20 to go to my appointment with Beth. Afterwards, home and to bed with fuzz *giggles* and Garrett (my bear. Well, that's his name for now). Gotta pack for and go to Lindsay's tonight. Uuggh... For now, this social-lifeless girl will go indulge in her romance novel. Arrivederci.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Hey there. Sounds like you told Jon. What a wise choice to forgo all those temptations of adolescence ... pot, ciggs, sex... The temptations must seem endless sometimes.

Election day was a downer. Too many issues still unresolved. Too many vulnerable people now even further exposed by conservative policies. We ARE going to have to pull together but not necessarily behind the prez who has other issues than helping the common poor slob... no we may have to pull together to help each other up and out into the light during these next 4 years.

Time to exit... stage right... toodles.

Anonymous said...

Ah, again the're one smart girl.   Good for you for setting expectations for yourself and not waivering in that, you appear to be making some incredibly smart decisions.  

Elections, whew...glad it's over with honestly.  I voted Democratic for President but Republican for my State Representative.  I suppose neither of my votes 'really mattered' since I knew going in to vote that Kerry wouldn't win my state, Virginia is majority Republican.  Probably a good part of why Cantor, our state representative won 80%-10% over the democratic candidate.  I usually side with the Democratic view but sometimes it's a bit too extreme, so I don't 'claim' myself as a Democrat.  
Politics are tough on the mind, sorting through what we see and what's actually there is stressful.  I try not to dwell on it too much, I know what's important to me-I know where I stand with the issues and I voted for the party, not the guy that I thought best represented my needs as a young middle class mother striving to provide a future for my child.  I know that regardless of who's president today, tomorrow or in 4 years that my little life is going to continue on in virtually the same way.  