Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Timing and Destiny

Timing. Life is all about timing, isn’t it? Five minutes late could save your life or wreck it. You could miss the train that crashes and would have killed you or you could get mugged and raped. Timing. It’s all about timing, both good and bad. If life has a course, a destiny, for each for each of us, is our timing destiny also? Who decides your fate? Can you change it? If so, wasn’t it your fate to change your fate so you didn’t change it at all? Is there a plan for all this? The chaos, the madness? The sorrow, the anger? The order, the calm? The joy, the hope? Was it destiny that certain people turned to me when they cut? That I felt overwhelmed and wanted to hurt myself? That I resisted and am going to see a counselor? That Gramma gave me the article from which I got the tip that I used to resist? So many, many, many question! I don’t expect answers, just wanted to get my thoughts out of my head and into cyberspace.

Love always,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Timing, destiny, luck? How can we measure the length of a moment that might hold a life in it's balance? Several years ago, driving down an innerstate, our van loaded with gear for a vacation to Disney world in Florida. Life is good... but I'm frustrated we didn't get our ealier, got an earlier start. ... Suddenly... POP! Tire blows, van sways ... POP! another tire gone, careening down the road at 60 MPH. Wife is driving, I was sleeping, van now swirving... spining 360 ... another tire's gone flat ... screaming, screaming ... road is spinning .... Until we hit the median and roll... and roll... and roll ... van on its side, crumpled top, shatterd windshied ... all are well.... within 10 feet of our resting spot is a steep 40 foot drop off into a ravine. Timing?.......... Destiny?............. An hour earlier the road might have been crowded with semis and vehicles heading out of town.

Perhaps nothing hapens by chance or luck. Perhaps you have been given the tools (friends, articles, internet connections, counselor) to resist slef-mutilation because there is a greater task for you. Destiny lies ahead. What may remain a mystery so live each day to its fullest.
