Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Messed up little thingy. Thanks, Suzanne.

tag ur it, whoever ruins this will have bad luck for 12 months. national makeout day is coming up this friday and if u send this to 10 ppl in less then 5 min u will be kissed by someone who likes you on friday, tag ur it


I'm considering this my other 9 people. I've already done one (Lindz). Enjoy.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Well idk about you bu frankly those things annoy me. It's almost you are obligated to send it to someone or somthing bad will happen to you. And what if someone at work sends you one but you don't really have any freinds? It wouls kind of make you feel preatty upset maybe even slightly depressed. Ah well that's just my spin on thing in life. Cheerful don't you think! =)

Anonymous said...

I like ur site, and it is a very truthful and a realistic portrayal of a 14- year- old girl's life. Come check mine sometime http://journals.aol.com/anthonyjbs/ADayInMyWorld

I will be checking up on ur frequently.