Friday, November 12, 2004

Nails and abductions

Feeling: annoyed that AOL doesn't have more options for my emotions

My nails are chipped. No, I'm not saying this because I think you care about each little detail of my life. There is a purpose. My nails are blood red. Written across them (in black if you must know) are the words "My God Jesus". It seems... *searches for the right word* ironic? Poetic? I don't know. It just seems odd esp. b/c this nail polish never chips. Seems like it's saying, "I died for you. My blood was spilt for you to show my love." And it's also saying, "This is your faith, Victoria. Should be stronger and is at spots (4 nails haven't chipped) but it could be stronger, should be stronger." Maybe I'm nuts. Maybe I'm the sane one. Wouldn't that be scary? The girl surviving on pop tarts an dwater by choice is the sane one. Well, I'm not more insane than Julia Butterfly Hill (my hero, by the way).

Unrelated topic: Anybody remember Kalie Polton? Five year old Rochesterian girl who was abducted and killed. She would be 14 or 15 now. My age. She lived in my aunt's complex when she was kidnapped. I made signs out of post-it notes and stuck them to my dad's dart board. "Help Kalie" "Find Kalie" "We miss you, Kalie" Yes, I was an odd child.

I had a dream once about Elizabeth Smart. I dreamt that I ws her an dmy sisters and I decided to run away. We wore burkas and hid for years just off my property in the bushes. We were all blonde. We tried to walk through the McDonald's drive thru only no cars were there and all it was was the order menu and the window. It was odd. I hadn't heard of Elizabeth at that point. I sure didn't know she was blonde. I found out about her a few months after my dream and then deduced that I had been her in my dream from pictures of her and what I had looked like in my dream.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

I don't think you're nuts at all!!
I love the way you thing about things, things that others may not even notice.  Your journal is fascinating reading Vickey, you have a brilliant mind :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Hey there. I can so relate o the AOL thing about emotions. It is so strange that they only have such  a limited choice.

What an insightful analogy of your nails to your faith. That was fantastic to read. Makes me think of all the ways in my life faith and daily occurrences intersect. You just keep making me think bout stuff mylady! Have to plead my ignorance and ask you who is Julia Butterfly? Could do a search on her but would be more insightful to hear your explanation why Julia is your hero. Feel free to email me this response.

I had heard of Kali Polton and Elizabeth Smart. What a neat story about how you stuck post-it notes on your dad’s dart board about Kali. Better than sticking pictures of your dad on it then throwing at them. LOL Hope I didn’t give you any ideas. Aint dreams a kick? I mean when I can wake up and remember a dream it’s almost always a crazy, bizarre, wild-and-wacky experience. When in college I had read that the brain’s dream state often occurs in the pre-dawn hours when the brain and body are immerging for the more restful, recharging deep sleep. So I’d set my alarm for like 5 or 5:30 AM in the hopes of catching a dream. Then keep hitting the snooze alarm so I could drift in & out of dreams. Caught some cool dreams but man did it mess with my sleep patterns. Well sweet & memorable dreams. Toodles.