Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Plans for tonight...

Yay! Youth group again! I was very responsible about making plans this time. I'm proud of myself. hehe ^_^ I had to get Gramma, Dad, Jake, Jake's mom, and Lindz's mom all to agree to this plan and now it's being put into action. Huzzah! Gramma's driving Lindz, Joey, and I to Jake at 5:30. We're going from Jake's to youth group via his mom. Dad's picking us all up and bringing us home. Lindz and Jake will be picked up from here by their parents between 8:30 and 9:00pm. Yay! I rock! (Sorry if that sounds arrogant, I'm just happy that my plan is actually gonna work.)

This should be interesting. My brother and my dad both get to meet Jake tonight. Both of them know about Jake. Time to switch the laundry, clear the table, and make dinner. We're eating early since we leave at 5:30 for Jake's. Arrivederci.

Love always,

P.S. I prefer the term self-injure or self-harm to self-mutilation. Check out Madman's journal at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's amsome Vickey! I'm proud of you for being able to pull somthing like that off. Cause it is a good skill to have, and belive me i wish that is could be able to do things like that more often. So koodos for you, you've made the world a better place=)