Monday, December 20, 2004

how is it possible?

Someone tell me how it's possible that I was up until past 2am and I'm up and basically functioning but Lindz (who was asleep by around 1:15) is dead. Not literally dead but non-functioning. I told her sneaking out would have been a bad idea. If we're this out of it now, imagine how she'd be if she was up until 6am. Time to get through another day of school. Wish me luck. Ha.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, you've got school today...that stinks!
Probably was a good idea to get a little bit of sleep ;)


Anonymous said...

I have no clue how I still funtion myself.  I stay up so late and have to get up for work.  I always say "tonight I'm going to bed early" yet I'm up until 2am every night and have to get up at 6:45am.  it's beginning to show, dark under my eyes.  Yet, I'm still going.  My vacation is coming.. I'm going to vegas!!! YAY!!! Good luck today!

Anonymous said...

That last comment could have been written by me!!  Except for the bit about getting up for work - getting up to take son to school is more my thing - and the Vegas trip - though in my dreams, that would be me too :o)
Sara   x