Sunday, December 26, 2004

Today was....

Today was.... fun. If not headache-full. I've had a headache on and off since last night and it's back. Oh, well. I can always take an Advil if it gets too bad. So today is Boxing Day, whatever that means. For me, it means that Gail, Tadd, Kayla, and Stella came over. Gail is Dad's girlfriend. Tadd is Gail's eighteen year old son. Kayla is Gail's 21 year old daughter. Stella is Kayla's puppy. After waking at nearly eleven, I dragged my butt downstairs & got on the computer. :-[ Only 20 minutes though. Then I went upstairs and got ready for today. Ate mashed potatoes and corn for breakfast and was still laying on the couch eating it when Gail got here. She went downstairs with Dad and Joey and I got in the shower. I actually blow-dried my hair. *gasp* I never use heat appliances on my hair. Too much time & energy. Anyhow, Gail left to pick up Tadd. Have I mentioned that he's 18? And hot? And Pisces? And single? Well, I did now. Kayla got here with her puppy while Gail and I were playing mancala. At some point over the course of the past 5 hours, Gail & I played ping-pong, Tadd and Joey played pool, and Gail beat Dad at ping-pong. Oh, and I got Dad in trouble with Gail. bwahaha. He said that she'd lose at ping-pong and then complain that the table wasn't regulation. But, I did send her an e-mail that said, "I had a dream last night that kinda pertains to you. In it, I dreamed that Dad was doing something that made me mad. All I remember is that it had to do with some bar and some other woman. And he bought me something to eat and I took a bite and spit it at him because I was mad that he wasn't with you. So I guess what I'm saying is that though I wasn't really warm to the idea of you coming to Christmas Eve at first, you're okay. I'd rather have my dad with you and happy than snapping at me. Cuz trust me, the happier his relationship with you is going, the less likely he is to snap at me. Christmas Eve is still a bit shaky for me but, I don't mind you coming over and hanging out or whatever. Christmas Eve just means to me that you're permanent and that scares me. So before I spill the rest of my guts out, time to go. Arrivederci. Vickey" And now, I'm sitting here typing this to you and talking to my mom. Dinner is TBA. We don't know if we're having it or when. Or what it is. So, off to do stuffs. Whatever that stuffs may be. Oh, and I took something for my head and it's getting better. Many warm wishes to you and yours.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

hehehe, can't help but giggle about Tadd ;)  breakfast sounded healthy!  I had green beans and white house tolls!

xoxoxo doll

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Boxing day!  Boxing day - the day after Christmas day - is called that I think because that's when the churchs poor boxes were opened and distributed.  Or something!!  Glad you're warming to Gail, does it help that she has a 'hot' son? ;o)
Sara   x