Monday, January 3, 2005

1/1/05-New fear

Well I'm now afraid of dogs and being outside, alone, in the dark. (The second has nearly always been true but is now intensified.) Those are two fears I got over (mostly) a long time ago. There's this German Shepard that roams around. It attacked Shadow. Shadow was on his leash. I was holding the leash. I took him out later, after dark & he went out back. There was this dog out there & I thought it was Mercedes (my grandparents' dog) but I wasn't sure. Mercedes scares me anyhow. Shardow's barkin' and this dog gets up & comes towards us. I screamed. I mean, screamed. Blood curdling, ear piercing scream. I dragged Shadow inside. So now I'm scared of walking outside at Mom's in the dark because of starnge dogs. So yay for that.
We went to Grandma & Grandpa's for dinner. Lasanga. It was good. Fred (Grandpa) and Ray made banana cream homemade ice cream. Seeing as how those goons made it, it was delish. Hope your "hangover day" was quiet & dim.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

No hangover here. My sis, her hubby, my love and I went to some friends of my sister and drank sparkling grape juice and 7UP. We played UNO, listened to jazz, sat by a blazing fireplace while the world froze and turned to ice outside, and watched the ball drop. Not very exciting to most but it was excellent for me. I'm passed needing alcohol to have a good time. Being around family is paramount for me these days. These friends of my sis are mentally challenged and have no other friends. They've even been shunned by their own family. They're a cute couple and have a sense of joy and wonder that is contagious. My sis and her hubby have taken them into their family and invite them to all holiday events as well as other family gatherings (bday & barbeques). Reaching out to others and taking the time to care is part of our purpose (at least to our family). Toodles.

Anonymous said...

Big dogs make me nervous too.  There was one - ages ago now - really barking and straining at it's leash to get to my son as we got out of the car outside our house once, J just laughed and smiled at the doggy, but it worried me!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I was scared of dogs for a long time, I'm still scared of going out in the dark.  If I have to go across a parking lot or walk in the city after dark..I carry my keys in my fist, with a key sticking out from in between each nuckle.  If someone messes with me they are certainly losing an eye ;O (<that's they guy with a split eye, screaming!, should be the left eye tho, I'm right handed).  I'm going to get pepper spray soon, my brothers girlfriend is a cop and she said they use it more for vicious dogs than they do on people.  I won't be picky, if it attacks me it gets sprayed.
Homemade ice cream sounds yum, especially banana..mmmmm.  Had some champagne, but no hangover...moderation is key, as is drinking water with it.