Friday, January 7, 2005

My writing & an opinion asked for

<IMG alt=Angst src="<img src=" border=0 1061498742_CWINDOWSDesktopangst.jpg? edeainfj E http:>  So I can only hope that that picture is in here. All I see is a box with a red x and the word "Angst". If you can't see it, it says, "You enjoy making people suffer. your writing is often poignant and poetic, but be careful not to overdo it. A little humor or light can transform melodrama into beauty." This is the result I got from the What kind of writer are you? quiz at Quizilla. Interesting. I guess it fits. Like my latest start of a story (that I should "get off my lazy @$$ and write" as I told Jake to do) had my main character trying to decide whether or not she should have an abortion. I'd take that as suffering. I've got a question for y'all. When I go to write up a bunch of entries, would you prefer one long one or a bunch of short ones? Or the shorter ones in one entries & the longer ones in their own entries? Speaking of which, time to wrap up some JLand business before I go wrap up some other stuff (like my resolutions for today).

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Am a crossover writer, prefering to use all my favourite elements and characters from other works - hmmm, don't write at all - other than my journal - maybe I should start, could be interesting!!
I don't mind hon, lots of short entries, one big fat long one, honestly don't mind at all :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I tried the quiz and I am a 'Narrative Writer'.  Now you're making me think that I need to get back to doing it.....grrr ;)
On the entries, I like the short ones grouped together and the longer ones by themselves...but whatever way you put it down, I'm gonna read it ;)
