Sunday, January 2, 2005

Weekend assignment

No time to update but I had a blast this past few days. Before it becomes the week, time for the weekend assignment.

Weekend Assignmet #41: Make a new year's resolution... for your pet. If you have more than one pet, of course, feel free to make resolutions for any or all of them.

Extra Credit: Imagine what your pet would make as a resolution for you.

Well, my pets don't live with me anymore but, I'll make one for all my major pets in the past.
Smokey: I resolve to stop dragging beanie babies around the house.
Chyna: I resolve to never again tease Vickey's hair into a certified rat's nest during the night. Or at any other time for that matter.
Tiger: I resolve to stop eating bees! It's not good for me.
Duchess (may she rest in peace): I resolve to not eat crayons, grass, rose thorns, bricks, pine cones, chicken bones, and all other matter that is not good for a puppy. (Those things lead to her disease & us having to put her down. Still miss her. Stupid dog.)
Pyrite: I resolve to have a life. LOL Pyrite was a fish. Same resolution for Goldie. And the other fish that Gramma had for forever.
Butterscotch: I resolve to stick around!
Shadow: I resolve (Goodness am I sick of that phrase!) to not attack that damn German Shepard & put Vickey's life at risk. I'll also quit doing my business inside the house.
Sophie: I resolve to come out of hiding more often.
New kitty that's lacking a name: I resolve to stand up to Shadow more.
The numerous fish that my idiotic brother had: I resolve to stay alive for more than two weeks.

Extra credit: Now, what would they resolve for me? Smokey: Vickey will pet me more & be around more so that I stop losing weight from fretting over how she is. In return, I will lay above her head like I did when she was little which is also how she likes me to so she feels safe.
Chyna: Vickey will let me chew her fingers and let me come into Gramma's office with her.
Tiger: Vickey will stop hauling me around! I know I'm mellow but, leave me alone for a few minutes at a time, will ya?
All three of the above: Vickey will take me home again! We miss her!
Duchess: Vickey will stop missing me and will get over my death.
The fish: Vickey will stop counting us as pets since we lasted about 2 weeks each (except Pyrite, Goldie, and that other one) and she hardly ever remembered to feed us. (Opps!)
Butterscotch: Vickey will stop counting me as a pet as well. I only stayed there for 6 weeks until I found my real owner. (So, I'm cynical today. Sorry.)
Shadow: Vickey will play with me more and not just try to get me to leave her alone.
Sophie: Vickey will not pick me up so the baby can pull my tail. (I don't do it on purpose, I swear! I try to make Sami be "nice to the kitty".)
New kitty without a name: Vickey will not pick me up so the baby can pull my tail. (See my defense above.)

I hope your 2005 is going great. More entries tomorrow. Much love to all. 25 days temptation free. Longer than that since I've harmed/drawn.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

:o(  Don't have any pets!!!  That's real strange for me, I used to have two chinchillas, a hamster, two gerbils - who would produce little baby gerbils on a regular basis - and lots of fish.  I miss pets, but don't miss the smell that go's with caged pets if you don't clean them out like every half hour!!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

LOL what wonderful resolutions. Poor Duchess... why do so many dogs think they are part goat? Good luck Shadow at finding a more appropriate place to do your thing... ewwwwww!

Great weekend assignment, too bad I missed this one.