Monday, January 3, 2005

Clarifications may be needed

I really have no mental clarity to write a real entry but I'll do my best. Eeeehhh screw it. No real entry but quick update. School was today. I was up by 5:30. AM. HOLY CRAP WHAT POSSESSED ME?! I got up & showered & dressed & routined (lol) and drank an instant breakfast & actually made it to the bus stop on time. *gasp* Then school came & voice & german. I was awake for those two periods. Then the yawning set in. Locus (math) didn't intice me too much & neither did magnetism (science). In choir we started a new piece called "Come to me, O my love" or something like that. Lunch was hilarious. Friends can always make you laugh. Global was boring-ish as was English. That English homework wasn't as much as I thought. I didn't get what was due done though. So I should go do that. More likely than not, it'll get done tomorrow night. I'm hittin the hay early tonight. I've been online all afternoon. Really must not do that. But I'm all caught up on journals (my own & others that I read) & FLYlady. I still have 10 in my new mail but they can be dealt with in less than 1/2 an hour tomorrow afternoon. So I'm in pretty good shape. Now, before I fall asleep on the keyboard, let's all remember to get enough sleep. Two hours *cough* Ali *cough* is not enough. (But then again, neither is 4 1/2 or whatever it is that I managed last night.) So good night to all.

Love always,

P.S. Is it just me or do I seem to get a lot of headaches?


Anonymous said...

I seem to spend a lot more time online then I used to.  I tell myself okay one hour, then I'm getting some work done (at home or work lol yep I have aol at one of my jobs) yet I end up online for hours.  Then I say I'll just finish doing this ... and another hour goes by (mostly at home)   Journals take up a lot of my time now.  :)  5am. Heck I should give you my phone number you could call and wake me up, I've been over sleeping all the time lately.
Good night sweetie, Have a good day tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about lack of sleep. Got in at 6AM after being on the train ALL night (return run of the Sub-Polar Express... see me most recent entry) and although it seemed the whole train slumbered I oulled an all nighter and worked on my laptop and let the train rock me through the night. So I'm ready to turn in also. Glad you got that English done. Shhhh I didn't say that.

My niece in Thialand is ok, talked to her while we were at my sister's. My niece lives on the coast but it's on the Bay of Thialand. Thanks for askin.


Anonymous said...

I'm still playing catch up with journals!  I set them up in days, 4 or 5 a day...I'm getting through wednesday's today!  hopefully I'll get through todays TODAY!  hehehe.  I swear one day I'll be caught up!  one day ;)

Take care and get some Z's doll!