Friday, January 28, 2005

survey thingies

I got this over at The Brunette Chronicles

1. First best friend: Megan

2. First love: Ummm define love...

3. First real kiss: still waitin' on that one

4. First screen name: something ilke VE(insert last name) or some variation of QTKat1234 at aol

5. First pet: Smokey, my kitty....

6. First car: Only one more year until I can tell ya what it is

1. Last cigarette: ummm in utero... before Mom found out she was pregnant

2. Last kiss: In my dreams... literally....

3. Last good cry: tonight... about moving... and I still haven't decided!

4. Last beverage drank: ummm..... chocolate milk?

5. Last food consumed: 1/2 a piece of cheese and before that a couple slices of pizza

6. Last crush: I think we all know that one... Tom!

7. Last phone call: No idea....

1. Who is your best friend: Lindsay, without a doubt.

2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: Hmmmm no

1. Where are your favorite places to shop: the mall

2. Type of clothing: comfy but not schumpy

1. Do you do drugs: NO

2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Pantene Pro-V Classic Clean

3. What are you most worried about? life in general

4. What would you change about yourself: Physically or Mentally? Physically, I would get the blue to stick! Mentally, I would stop worrying and be more decisive.

1. Colors: purple

2. Foods:  depends on my mood but chocolate covered strawberries always

3. Subject in school: lunch... my break... and some others but mostly lunch

4. Animals: kittens

5. Sports: don't play but i watch gymnastics and synchronized swimming

6. Movie: too many....

Have you....

1. Given anyone a bath: no

2. Smoked: no

3. Made yourself throw-up: nope

4. Skinny dipped: one day....

5. Been in love: Must I go over this again?

1. Clothes: comfy

2. Music: country, please

3. Make-up: black mascara, bronze-y eyeshadow, brown or black eyeliner, peach blush, chapstick or lip gloss

4. IMs: a billion a day

1. Hugged: Destiny

3. Last person who slept at your house: ummmm prolly Lindz

1. In the morning I am: what's morning?

2. Love is: beyond words

3. I dream(t) about: Tom the other night......

1. 7 years ago: I was just about to turn 8.

2. 4 years ago: turning 11.... pre 9/11

3. 3 years ago: turning 12... post 9/11, post split

4. 1 hour ago: sitting here, prolly crying

5. Tomorrow: will be boring as h-e-double hockey sticks

6. College: will get there on a scholarship, will get diploma, despite all odds


And was also sent this questionaire..... but am too lazy to e-mail it. So y'all can enjoy it.....

Subject: Getting to know you
This is a questionnaire to get to know them better. Read through the
comments below about your friend. Then make sure you read the instructions
at the bottom.
Have fun!

1. What time is it: way too late..... 11:14pm
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Victoria Elizabeth ********* (no, my last name isn't that long)
3. Nicknames: Sawyer, 4x4, Tink, chicky, doll, pumpkin

4. Piercing: one per ear
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? in theater, huh? Ummmm.... Shall We Dance.... no, something after that, right?

6. Eye Color: hazel to brown

7. Place of birth: Rochester, NY
8. Favorite foods: chocolate covered strawberries
9. Ever been to Africa: no... only going to Egypt

10. Ever been toilet papering: nope, i've been a good girl

11. Love someone so much it made you cry: yes!
12. Been in a car accident: yes but nothing serious

13. Croutons or bacon bits: both
14. Favorite day of the week: any day that lacks school and a reason to rise before 2pm
15. Favorite restaurant? Roadhouse
16. Favorite flower: Lilacs and roses
17. Favorite sport to watch: gymnastics
18. Favorite drink: currently? tea

19. Favorite ice cream: cookies 'n' cream
20. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney
21. Favorite fast food restaurant: the golden arches (McDonald's)

22. What color is your bedroom carpet: beige *pukes*
23. How many times did you fail your driver's test: none. i haven't taken it.

24. Before this one, from who did you get your last e-mail: last one i read was AOL alerts
25. What store would you max out your credit card: umm assuming i have a credit card..... godiva

26. What do you do most often when you are bored: you're lookin at it
27. Bedtime: is often shot past.... 10pm
28. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest: nobody cuz it ain't an e-mail

29. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: you?
30. Who are you most curious about : you
31. Favorite TV Shows: Desperate Housewives and General Hospital
32. Last person you went to dinner with: Dad and Joey
33. Ford or Chevy: Ford (since I am 4x4)
34. What are you listening to right now: the computer noises

35. What is your favorite color: purple
36. Lake, Ocean or river: 
37. Time you finished this e-mail: not finished yet so will mark it with big XXXX and come back. am back. it is now 11:26. It took me about 15 mins.

38. Which came first the chicken or the egg: late. no think.
39. How many people are you sending this email to: the entire world
40. Where in the world would you most like to visit? europe...
41. Do you have any pets? they live with my grandmother

42. Where was the place you went on your first date? ummm date? what's that?
43. Flying or driving? Flying

44. What is your favorite holiday? any day that they cancel school

45. Favorite time of day? either sunrise or sunset
46. Favorite season? it's Rochester, the weather sucks year round. mostly fall though.

47. Shoe size? 7-ish
48. What are your hobbies? this

49. What is your favorite curse word? damn
50. What is your favorite noise? ummmm babbling brook/creek/ocean, water stuffs, or rain falling on a tin roof.... *sigh*
50.5- Favorite smell? my sister's head after a bath.... or fresh chocolate chip cookies

51. What is your least favorite noise? loudness?

Return directions:
Now, here's what you're supposed to do. and please do not spoil the fun.
Copy (NOT forward) this entire e-mail and paste it onto a new e-mail that
you will send.
Change all of the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a
bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory
is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you


Now, time for bed. Good night.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

this is cute...I love lilacs too, the way they smell when they first open is the best!

Anonymous said...

TIN ROOF RUSTED!!!!!! LOL yeah im a dork... oh and your right your sisters head does smell really good rihgt after a bath! lol now i really am a dork!
~The One and Only Lindz~