Monday, January 3, 2005

12/31/04-Happy New Year's Eve!

Check out this entry over in my other journal. The journal is mainly about goals but one of my goals is forgiveness & this one is mainly about that. Even if you don't decide to read that journal, this is one entry that you should. So, on with the entry...

I hope your new year is fun & carefree. At least for one night. As for me, I'm spending a pretty quiet night at home. At Mom's. It's 10:41 and the baby's going to bed. Joey's playing PS2 while Mom is in the bedroom with Sami. Ray's working a gig. Meanwhile (back at the ranch *giggle*), Lindz is at a party with Ricky. Ricky is 19. There will be no parents there. There is alcohol there. Two nights ago, she accepted Christ again. For real. Again. I love her to death, honestly, I do but every summer for the past 7 years she's been saved & every year she goes back to her old habits. I hope it sticks this time. For her sake, I do. But I'm worried that she'll drink or that Ricky will. Scratch taht. I know he will. I'm worried that he'll take advantage of her. So now it's 11:41 and I'm gonna stop worrying and go mix drinks. *giggle* ^_^. Happy 2004. Write next year.

Happy friggin' new year, y'all! I'll forget the report since I don't remember much of it. My sister punched my eye & knocked my contact out. Ow! We had "party punch" instead of sparkling grape juice. Party punch is 7-Up and red Hawiian Punch. So I texted Lindz & Mom called Lori. Lori, my "aunt" Lor, was drunk! She rambles on & on when she's drunk. I miss her so much. Time for bed. Happy 2005, lovelies!

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Enjoy these special holiday celebrations with family, they are treasures to be enjoyed for a lifetime. You'll have over half your life to party with friends, get drunk, and do other outlandish things on holidays like New Years. I too am worried for Lindz, sounds like a recipe for trouble... and it could be long term if Mr. Ricky has his way... he's 19, will be drinking, no parental supervision, and he's male... yeah we know what he'll be hoping for. Cynical aint I? (Written like a typical father hu?)

Now I'm off to read that other entry.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you too hon :o)
Glad you had a nice time with your family, hope that Lindz was OK, and that she didn't drink!!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year doll!

Okay, mommy instincts are busting through.  

Okay, I'm emailing my comment to you...and to Lindz.

Happy 2005!