Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Random facts

Okay, I'm not really sure if or who originally started this but, I know that B has it in her journal. So I'm makin' a list of random facts. Enjoy.

I like strawberry ice cream, like strawberries with sugar or chocolate but hate the bits of strawberries in ice cream and hate them plain.

I've had a crush on Sam Malone from Cheers for years.

I hate my big toes. They nail grows under the skin and is all *shudder* ew.

I sometimes think about making awful decisions that would totally mess up my life.

One thing I can't wait to do is fall in love, get married, and have a baby.

I've never considered life without Christ.

I appreciate the beauty in the human body.

Enjoying a sculpture/painting/other work of art involving the female body does not make me lesbian or bisexual. It makes me an artist.

Staying up way too late is a bad habit in which I often partake.

I can't eat breakfast for hours after I wake up. It makes me sick.

My favorite pop-tarts are cinnamon & sugar and chocolate fudge (which I'm eating right now).

I have had crushes on my teachers.

I'll put off doing my homework so I can paint my nails. I've done it before.

Black is probably the color I wear most often.

I live in blue jeans and cotton shirts.

I walked out of school in seventh grade.

I've debated everyone from Ricky to Pastor Tom on the issue of gay rights.

A dork is a sperm whale's penis. Seriously.

Wearing my glasses often makes me feel scummy and/or tired. Today, it didn't.

The strangest things bug me but not all the time. Like my boots right now but not five minutes ago.

I like garage sales and thrift stores. I wear the clothes. After I wash them. In fact, the jeans I'm wearing right now are from a garage sale my mom was at. My favorite jeans are from a trift store.

I've never been closer to a best friend than with Jaci (at one point) or Lindz (off and on again).

My favorite anything changes with my mood. Except my favorite color. That's always purple.

I  love to write and would rather do this than class but I hate English class. I love to read and would rather read than class but I hate the reading assignments. Even if I like the book.

I hate not grasping a concept immediately.

I swear. Like a truck driver. Too much.

I love talking surveys and quizzes. But not school quizzes.

I only wear rings on my left ring finger.

I slept through the only earthquake in my town in my life.

In 1993, my cousin was over and we had a tornado warning. We all went into the basement. Jeff and I were bored so Dad went upstairs and got us some toys. There was no tornado.

I got blonde highlights. Right before seventh grade. Shortly after, I created this screenname. I also cut my bangs and got my eyebrows tweezed.

I don't mind taking notes but I'd rather not.

When we moved to our new house in fifth grade, I was so bored with my 10 day vacation without friends that I made up math problems and spelling quizzes. I've always loved to play school but not necessarily go to school.

School itself is okay but not the waking up early.

I like math as long as I understand it. But seventh grade math gave me a major headache every class. Not from the work. From my teacher's constant use of the overhead projector.


That's all the random facts for today. Enjoy! Oh, and now I really am getting offline. And guess what? 24 hours and 16 minutes.......

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Love it Vickey :o)
Seriously?  Sam Malone?!!
OK then, I'll admit to liking the guy from Quantum Leap!!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I am 80 years old.
I love your random facts.
I love purple too, but NOT your purple text on black background.
I highlight your text to read it.  It comes out white on blue background.
I have ties that are older than most people, but I hate wearing them.
I have a journal too.  

Anonymous said...

This stuff is fun isn't it, it's cool to find out random stuff that you've got in common and then the stuff that you'd have never thought if you hadn't read it.  And I haven't thought of overhead projectors in oh, geez like 7 or 8 years ;)  At Pey's school, all the stuff is new and high-tech...they use laptops and instead of overheads they do power point presentations on a TV monitor.  I was impressed to say the least when I saw it.
fun fun fun ;)  I love these things.

Anonymous said...

I love it!!  Like I am sure I've said before these things really give me a better understanding of who you are, and what you like and sort of what's in your head :0
Luv ya,