Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sunday Brunch

"If you want to be free, there is but one way; it is to guarantee an
equally full measure of liberty to all your neighbors. There is no
other." -Carl Schurz

1)Do you have a neighbor that just drives you insane? Yea. He's called the idiot that dated my best friend. Who she dumped cuz he only wanted her for sexual favors. Which she did NOT give him. Yay for Liz!
2)Does one of your neighbors have something about their home that you
covet? Ummm.... yea. Megan (whom I haven't talked to in far too long) has a house. Not a townhouse. lol
3)Do you have a neighbor on your street that neglects their home, pure
and simple? Nope. We don't do the stuff. The complex mows the grass, fixes whatever, shovels the sidewalks, plows the parking lots, etc.
4)Is there a neighbor on your street with interesting decorating
habits? Ummm.... they all look the same.
5)Do you have a neighbor on your street that you find attractive? Umm.... don't know most of my neighbors but Mark/John (lol) is kinda cute (but I'll stick with guys my own age, thank you) and so is that idiot that never wears a coat (but I'll stick with Tom, thank you).

So there's the quickest edition of the Sunday Brunch yet. Love to all. Now, must finish editorial and pack stuff so I can go to Lindz's (so I can go to church so I can see Tom). (((hugs))) cuz we all need 'em sometimes.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the hugs - I did need them too!!
Giving up smoking is tougher than I thought :o(
Nice Vickey entry though :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Dag nab it!  I forgot to do the Sunday Brunch AGAIN!!  At least alerts seem to be working again, now they need to keep working through the weekend.....Ahhhhh, I Get A Kick Out Of You just came on...hehehe
Good answers doll and **hugs** to you, cause we all need them sometimes ;)